Posted: July 30th, 2023
An In-Depth Analysis of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
Books Used:
• Entwistle, D. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration (3rd ed.). Wipf and Stock.
• Johnson, E. (2010). Psychology and Christianity: Five views (2nd ed.). InterVarsity. ISBN: 9780830828487.
Each answer must:
• Address all aspects of the question.
• Show a clear understanding of concepts.
• Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of subject matter.
• Integrate class text into essay in a manner that demonstrates mastery of key issues.
• Use proper spelling, grammar, and current APA format.
• Give through responses to each question.
1. Provide a brief overview of PSYCH-1 through PSYCH-6 of the Biblical Counseling View.
2. What is the focus or vision for the Transformational View? Explain.
3. According to the Christian Psychology View, what is the foundational commitment of Jesus’s psychology? Expound upon this.
4. Entwistle offers what critique of the Neutral Parties model?
5. In what ways are Colonialists and the “new” nouthetic movement similar? How does this deviate from the original model by Jay Adams according to the Entwistle text?
6. According to Entwistle, describe worldview integration, foundational integration, disciplinary and scholarly integration, applied integration, and public and personal integration.
7. Expound on 5 of the 7 ways to relate faith and Psychology according to the Levels of Explanation View.
8. Describe Christian Neutrality and Psychological Neutrality.
9. In chapter 4 of the Johnson (2010) text regarding Christian Psychology View, the authors Roberts and Watson, discuss the implications of psychology from the passage of the Sermon on the Mount. Explain their viewpoint and how they feel this touches on psychology, overall well-being, and how this segues into their belief that “Christian psychology is a different psychology” (p. 158). Lastly, what is your view on this?
10. Expound on Entwistle’s coverage of professional ethics, workplace environment and informed consent, and religiously based interventions. Why is it important to understand professional boundaries regarding integration?
An In-Depth Analysis of Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity
Overview of PSYCH-1 through PSYCH-6 of the Biblical Counseling View:
The Biblical Counseling View is a perspective within the Integrative Approaches to Psychology and Christianity that places a significant emphasis on the authority and relevance of the Bible in counseling practices. PSYCH-1 through PSYCH-6 represents six key presuppositions underlying this view.
PSYCH-1: Divine Existence and Participation
This presupposition acknowledges the existence of a personal and involved God who interacts with humanity. The Biblical Counseling View posits that God is not detached but actively works within the lives of individuals.
PSYCH-2: God’s Revelation
Central to this view is the belief in the Bible as God’s revealed Word, providing guidance for all aspects of human life, including psychological matters.
PSYCH-3: Human Nature
The Biblical Counseling View maintains a pessimistic view of human nature due to the impact of sin. People are seen as fallen beings, subject to brokenness and in need of redemption.
PSYCH-4: Spiritual Transformation
This presupposition underscores the potential for spiritual transformation through a relationship with God. Counseling is viewed as a means to guide individuals toward this transformative process.
PSYCH-5: Counseling Process
In this view, counseling is seen as a collaborative process, involving both the counselor and the counselee, with the ultimate aim of aligning the individual’s life with biblical principles.
PSYCH-6: Goals of Counseling
The Biblical Counseling View seeks to help individuals achieve spiritual growth and maturity through a deepening relationship with God and a consistent application of biblical principles in their lives.
The Focus of the Transformational View:
The Transformational View, also known as the Spiritual Formation View, places its focus on the holistic transformation of individuals. This perspective aims to integrate psychological insights with Christian spirituality to facilitate personal growth and development.
The vision of the Transformational View is twofold: First, it seeks to promote an in-depth understanding of the human psyche, encompassing emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects. Second, it emphasizes the significance of spiritual formation, whereby individuals mature in their faith and relationship with God.
The Transformational View acknowledges that true change occurs when individuals experience a genuine encounter with God and the Holy Spirit, resulting in a transformative journey that impacts all facets of their lives. The focus is on cultivating spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, meditation, and reflection on Scripture, to foster a deeper connection with God and foster inner healing.
Foundational Commitment of Jesus’s Psychology in the Christian Psychology View:
The Christian Psychology View, developed by Roberts and Watson, centers on the foundational commitment that Jesus Christ serves as the ultimate model for psychological understanding. This perspective holds that Jesus, as the perfect human and divine figure, embodies the pinnacle of psychological health and well-being.
According to this view, Jesus’s psychology entails a balanced integration of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions. His teachings and actions exemplify virtues like love, compassion, forgiveness, and self-sacrifice. By studying and emulating Jesus’s psychology, individuals can strive to achieve psychological wholeness and Christlikeness.
The Christian Psychology View underscores the importance of aligning one’s life with Jesus’s teachings and character, ultimately leading to a harmonious integration of faith and psychological well-being.
Entwistle, D. (2015). Integrative approaches to psychology and Christianity: An introduction to worldview issues, philosophical foundations, and models of integration (3rd ed.). Wipf and Stock.
Johnson, E. (2010). Psychology and Christianity: Five views (2nd ed.). InterVarsity.