Posted: April 13th, 2023
Amino Acid Catabolism And The Production Of Urea essay
Instructions for your #KIR assignments:
1) Your KIR assignment must be typed and approximately one page (single spaced). You should
check for grammatical and spelling errors (obviously).
2) The article you choose for your KIR assignment must be from the primary literature. You may
not use a literature review for the assignment. If the abstract for the article uses the phrase “in
this review” do not use it. If you see the word review anywhere on the webpage you are
viewing, do not use it. (see screenshot below)
3) The article you choose for your KIR assignment must be dated within the last 5 years (ok, I’ll give
you anything from 2015-present).
4) You must include a copy of the article you chose or a (working) link to the article when you turn
in your assignment.
5) The KIR assignment must follow the guidelines below and this organization. You should use the
headings shown here (underlined) to format your paper:
Research Question: What were the research questions being addressed in the article? (do not
write them in question form, but in a narrative….ex. “This article addresses whether glucose
uptake is increased in muscle cells in response to an insulin signal”)
Experimental Approach: Describe the experimental approach used to answer the research
question(s). You do not need to include experimental details or a description of the technique
used but should focus on the technique used and how it relates to answering the research
question. This should NOT simply be a list of biochemical techniques.
Answer to Research Question: What were the results? This section should provide a brief
summary of the results and describe how they relate to the original research question.
Like/Learn: Provide a reason why you chose the article or if you learned something interesting
from the article. If you are really into this, answer both!!
6) The article you choose must relate to biochemistry in some way. I will give you specific
instructions on what topics to focus on for each assignment. If I do not provide instructions, you
are free to choose whatever biochemistry topic you want!
-research paper writing service