Posted: September 5th, 2023
American Literature Questions in 6 hours
I have a few questions to answer from American Literature course. No plagarism!
Due Sunday by 11:59pm
Points 10
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Available Jun 3 at 12:01am – Jun 9 at 11:59pm 7 days
Answer the following questions with VERY complete responses. You must use SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM THE TEXT. All answers should be your own analysis of the primary sources. Do NOT use a secondary source and do NOT quote from the text.
1. (2 points) Examine the problems that the Puritans experienced while aboard ship.(Name of ship?) (READ your module, too.)
2. (2 points) How did Bradford and the Puritans feel about the Native Americans and their land? (Consider his language and the settlers’ actions during exploration.) How did the Native Americans eventually lead to the success of the settlement?
3. (2 points) In her poetry, Bradstreet reviews several problems that she has experienced in her life. Give specific examples. What does she say has been the effect of those problems? (LISTEN to my recordings of the poems for help.)
4. (3 points) In her in her letter, “To My Dear Children,” Bradstreet reviews several problems that she has experienced in her life. Give specific examples. What does she say has been the effect of those problems?
5. (2 points) In his “A Model of Christian Charity,” Winthrop says that the settlers at Massachusetts Bay will be “a city on a hill.” How so? Explain.