Posted: November 8th, 2022
American history proposal
American history proposal
Proposal – (About half a page of your proposal for your final project).
For your proposal please go over Chapter 4 (Collecting History), Chapter 5 (Interpreting History), Chapter 6 (Engaging Audiences), and Chapter 7 (Case Studies from the Field) to gain ideas for your own Final Project.
Your issue is to address a historical event/person/community… that you wish to present in a new light. It is to be from North American history of the last 500 years, or less. If you wish to choose another region (but same perod), you’ll need approval from the instructor.
In your proposal for your Final Project use principles from the above-stated chapters as a basis, and issues such as the example of giving due prominence and provenance as seen in dealing with the photograph of Christian Fleetwood in the Smithsonian, pp. 63-65; or Jim Kepner’s personal book collection becoming of wide public interest, pp. 66; Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Chile, pp. 84-89; or Museum of disABILITY, p.p. 101-102; or Hystorypin project in London, pp. 102; or Follow the North Star, pp. 143-147; or Manzanar, pp147-154; etc.
These should be a good inspiration for you to choose a topic of your interest to be your final project idea, an issue that needs to be revisited/re-interpreted/re-presented/re-packaged differently then it was proffered to the public thus far.