Posted: February 28th, 2022
American Government essay
Writing a Personal Position Statement
Given all the information you have gained in your research, determine how you feel about the
issue. What is the specific problem? How does the issue or problem affect you and your peers,
community, school or district, etc?
Use the following format to organize your ideas and write your notes. Word process the
completed draft of your position statement.
Position Statement Format
In a position statement you will choose a side of the argument, an issue or position and defend it
with specific evidence.
Step 1: Identify the problem(s):
Step 2: Choose your side and explain your opinion in two or three sentences. For instance, will a
proposed change solve the problem or not? Why do you feel this way? This will provide the
basis of your thesis or opening statement.
My position (am I for or against?):
Explanation (because?)
Step 3: Providing evidence to support your ideas. Your position can be based on personal
opinion, but it must be supported with specific evidence and examples from your research. Use at
least 3 pieces of evidence to indicate a good understanding of the topic and your opinion, and
why your position is valid.
My Idea or Reason Supported by or based on (Evidence)
My Idea or Reason Supported by or based on (Evidence)
My Idea or Reason Supported by or based on (Evidence)
Step 4: If there is a problem to be solved, provide a possible solution and explain why you
think your solution would work.
Solution to the problem:
Why I think it would work:
Step 5: Write a conclusion. Sum up your opinion and examples about the issue to make your
point a final time. Use the space below for your notes or first attempt.
Step 6: Combine your notes into a well-written position statement (essay). Word-process
your drafts to make revisions and editing easier; word process your final copy. Use correct
spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Remember to support your statements with evidence.