Posted: February 19th, 2022
Alzheimer`s disease Critical Analysis
National Institute on aging talks about general information, causes, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of Alzheimer ’s disease. It gives a relatively detailed account under several subheadings to explain the pathogenesis, possible risk factors and symptoms seen, which are basically dysfunction of memory and cognition to the extent that they interfere with normal life. It provides information through the article titled ‘Causes of Alzheimer’s disease’ that genetic and environmental factors play a role in the pathogenesis although the exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is not known.
Its conclusion from studies indicates that enhancing social interactions, encouraging love and stable families can delay the onset of the disease in susceptible individuals. Alzheimer’s Association provides information on the history of the brain dysfunction, and in lay terms the functional and structural defects typical of Alzheimer’s disease. The beauty of the Article titled ‘What is Alzheimer’s disease? ’ is the history of the condition that it adds to the simple presentation of the disease.
A lay man can easily understand the genesis of the condition and how it affects the brain, when it can be seen in an individual and where to find help for them. Is a progressive brain damage. it destroys brain cells, causing problems with memory, thinking and behavior. it worsens with age. it is the 6th leading cause of death in the United states. It is the most common form of dementia. It does not have any current cure; treatment available is targeted at presenting symptoms. There is an increasing worldwide effort to find better ways to alleviate challenges associated with the disease.
In this disease condition, there is a breakdown in some of the synapses that serve the function of information storage, processing and memory; this spreads to other cells and over time, these cells die. Such affected cells are surrounded by plaques and contain characteristic tangles. No definite role of these agents has not been fully elucidated. American Psychological Association postulates that strong education delays the onset of Alzheimer’s disease through a study carried out by scientists at the Alzheimer’s disease Research Centre at Washington University School of Medicine.
this opens the door to evaluate other risk factors that would help to better understand the disease, and make it easier to prevent and/or treat it. It is possible that engaging in increasing cognitive function or even social activities that improve emotional and mental events may play a significant role in how we tackle this disease in the future. As a counselor, the ability to help begins when I understand the history of the condition: this makes the disease traceable to humans like us. It makes easier for the clients to realize that they are not alone, it has been here for quite some time.
Besides, statistics have also shown that millions of America also live with Alzheimer’s disease. Besides, with the knowledge of the causes and possible risk factors associated with the disease, empathy is not difficult, as I understand what I am dealing with. Emerging data has shown that education can help to prevent the condition. What is important is rely how to help those who are living with condition, information on the Geriatrics Department show that psychological help and family support are crucial in the life of clients.
Since it is irreversible, it is best to prevent it and make sure that we stay healthy smart and happy! SOURCES Barlow, D. H. & Durand, V. M. (2009). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (5th edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Centage Learning. http://www. alz. org/index. asp Alzheimer’s association http://www. nia. nih. gov/alzheimers http://www. geriatrics. uams. edu/research/sec http://www. apa. org/topics/topicalzheimers. html