Posted: December 16th, 2022
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Marketing communications of an organization is a complex of measures, techniques and methods by which information about goods, services or brand of the company reaches its users (Todorova, 2015).
Explain how the stages in a product’s life cycle influence the marketing communications mix.
Todorova, G. (2015). Marketing communication mix. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol .3, Suppl. 1. P368-374
Directions to student: The final paragraph (three or four sentences) of your initial post should summarize the one or two key points that you are making in your initial response. You will be writing three or more discussion posts per week. Your main post must be two to three substantive paragraphs 150-200 total words and include at least two APA-formatted citations/references.