Posted: January 28th, 2022
Advanced Pharmacology The scenario is of a patient aged 64 years
Advanced Pharmacology
The scenario is of a patient aged 64 years and is suffering from a rare skin disease.
Advanced Pharmacology is a term used to refer to an academic institution that specializes in advanced pharmaceutical research.
Pharmacology at the highest level
The patient in this scenario is 64 years old and is suffering from a rare skin illness. The experiences I’ve had over the previous five years with a variety of patients have been fascinating. The reason for this is that patients’ levels of response to medications differ from one another. Interesting experiences include both pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics processes, which is a rare occurrence in this field. The reactions of other people with similar conditions can be rather diverse from one another. The age difference between the two groups of patients is the most significant difference. When compared to the elderly, the younger patients had a higher rate of absorption than the elderly.
The factors that influence pharmacokinetics in the elderly are owing to the major changes that occur in their bodies as a result of their age. As we grow older, the kidneys’ ability to eliminate pharmacological compounds from the body diminishes (Heise, Pieber, Danne, Erichsen & Haahr, 2017). People above the age of 40 have a considerable drop in creatinine concentrations. The change is attributed to the decreased performance of the organs as a result of the aging process. On the other hand, pharmacodynamic processes are strongly influenced by the passage of time (Cebers et al., 2017). The alterations are caused by a decrease in the performance of the Central Nervous System (CNS), which has resulted in a decrease in the body’s sensitivity to opioids and anesthetics (Stott & Hope, 2017). In addition, according to Jones et al. (2015), the drug-receptor interaction changes in the aged population. Therefore, the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the 64-year-old patient are adversely affected in a considerable way.
The individualized approach for the older patient will include modifying the method by which the drugs are administered to him or her (Vellonen et al., 2018). When medications are administered through the stomach, they may not be absorbed as quickly. For example, by injecting the medications directly into the veins, it is possible to increase the rate of absorption. Additionally, the tailored strategy may entail modifying the pharmaceutical regimen to incorporate bespoke medications that are specifically designed for the aged.
The following authors contributed to this work: Cebers (G), Alexander (R), Haeberlein (S), Han (D), Ereshefsky (L),… and Maltby (J). Cebers, G., Alexander (R), Haeberlein (S), Han (D), Goldwater (R), Ereshefsky (L),… and Maltby (J) (2017). The effects of AZD3293 on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of healthy persons and Alzheimer’s disease patients were studied. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, volume 55, number 3, pages 1039-1053.
Tadao Heise, Thomas R. Pieber, Tobias Danne, L. Erichsen, and Hans Haahr have published a paper in Nature Communications (2017). Adults with type 1 diabetes were included in a pooled analysis of clinical pharmacology trials that looked at the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of fast-acting insulin as well as other diabetic medications. Clinical Pharmacokinetics, volume 56, number 5, pages 551-559.
M. Jones and colleagues (H. M. Jones and colleagues (Y. Chen and colleagues C. Gibson and colleagues Heimbach and colleagues N. Parrott and colleagues Peters and colleagues S. A. Peters and colleagues (Y. Chen and colleagues) and Hall and colleagues S. D. Hall and colleagues (2015). A pharmaceutical industry perspective on the application of physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling in drug discovery and development. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, volume 97, number 3, pages 247-262.
Stott, K. E., and Hope, W. W. (in press) (2017). The pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of therapeutic medication monitoring for invasive mold infections and illness have been discussed previously. The Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, volume 72, supplement 1, pages i12-i18.
K. S. Vellonen, L. Hellinen, E. Mannermaa, M. Ruponen, A. Urtti, and H. Kidron (2018). Ocular transporters are characterized by their expression, activity, and pharmacokinetic influence. Three to twenty-two pages in Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews (Volume 126).