Posted: May 1st, 2022
Advance Nursing Research DQ 5
Advance Nursing Research DQ 5
The purpose of this assignment is to provide a concise description
and appraisal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing
(AACN) Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing. Following APA
guideline , provide a brief explanation on each of the essentials
reflecting on each essential affects the clinical practice and the
author’s interpretation on each essential. Make sure to include a
(Title page, abstract, introduction, body, conclusion, and reference
make in your own word a description of each essential and at the
end describe why are the essential important in the Nursing daily.
APA 6ed style.
References more than 3 and no more old than 5-7 years.
The Work must follow this format
This one is an example and I will send you the “Essentials”
Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing
Master’s Degree in Nursing is a driver of change in the healthcare
system. The trainees are expected to be equipped with the
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requisite knowledge that will enable them to withstand the
challenges of the profession. The course is elaborate and
complete. It is expected that the people with the knowledge are
able to outshine their counterpart without similar qualification by
taking part in critical decision-making processes within their
setups. The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing plays an
important part in the establishment of the scholarly frameworks of
the education systems with the aim of eliminating the challenges
that may arise in the course of the professional demands.
Keywords: Essentials, Nursing, Healthcare
Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing
The essentials play a significant part in the management of the
nursing training at the Master’s level. The essentials offer an
opportunity for the continued imagination with the effort of
meeting the desires and the general drivers of the training.
Training has been influenced by the changing landscape of the
nursing profession. The changing technological backgrounds, the
increasing population, and the always-changing global health
scenarios play an essential role in guiding the program. The
Master’s education is therefore expected to equip the nurses
properly for the changing environments by helping them acquire
requisite knowledge and skills that can guide them in the
appropriate administration of their duties. The paper will,
therefore, outline the fundamental effects of Mater’s education in
Reasons for the Essentials in Master’s in Nursing Training
The changing nature of the healthcare delivery system raises the
need for the looking into the future needs of the profession. The
dynamic environment has made it difficult for the profession to
predict the future needs. The effect can be seen in the lack of
proper capabilities in handling emergency health challenges that
emerge by the day.
4/22/22, 2:33 PM Advance Nursing Research DQ 5 – Nursing Assignment Acers
The training should, therefore, be prepared to look into the needs
that may arise from the future events and meet them amicably.
The concern of the contemporary environment is the most
affordable but quality care. The driving force for that is the need to
equip all the professionals with the necessary tools and
knowledge in meeting the expected challenges.
Specifics of the Essentials
The need for the conceptualization of the healthcare system is the
driving force for the master’s education. The need for
conceptualization is the background for the goals of a
postgraduate student in nursing. The effect can be seen in the
overall nursing capabilities in meeting the challenges of the
profession arising in the event of the future changes. The
essentials of the nursing Master’s program are outlined below.
Advance Nursing Research DQ 5
Essential I: Practice based on the perspectives of Science and
The essential recognizes the need for the program to integrate
the both scientific and humanities fields in the practice of the
profession. The training encloses the need for the professionals to
condense the two areas for the better of the environment and the
concerned fields (AACN, 2018). The goal of the essential is to offer
continuous improvement of the nursing profession across the
different settings.
Essential II: Organizational and Systems Leadership
The essential understands the importance of the leadership
systems towards the promotion of the safe and high-quality care
towards patients. The leadership skills should be driven by the
need for a proper decision-making program. The leadership