Posted: April 13th, 2023
Activites That Teach Social And Emotional Competence
This activity will give students the opportunity to research various activities that teach social emotional learning skills.
The Assignment
Review the video: Five Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning. You will need to review the following websites, along with any other sites you find, and explore the information and strategies presented on Social Emotional Learning (SEL).These two sites are also listed in the text on page 220, under the Web Sites section.
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL) Edutopia
These two sites discuss various developmentally appropriate strategies that help students learn to be more socially and emotionally competent. They also have resources that can be used in the classroom when teaching SEL activities. For this assignment you can explore and investigate any resource, website, magazine, etc. that addresses SEL activities. After exploring the sites, select five SEL activities that you would like to use when working with children.
For each activity you must include the following:
1.List the category of SEL this activity focuses on. These were discussed in the video: Five Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning. The categories include: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.
2. List the goals of the activity (what are you wanting the children to learn?) A description of the activity must be included. What will they be doing in the activity?
3. List the site where you found your activity
4. Summarize in one paragraph containing a minimum of 7 sentences how you will use the activity to help children on their journey to social and emotional competency.
Grading Criteria
The assignment is graded on a 100 point scale. Each of the five SEL activities selected is worth a total of twenty points.
*Two points will be given for correctly listing the site where you found the activity.
*Four points will be given for appropriately categorizing the focus of the activity.
*Six points will be given for accurately providing the goals of the activity and including a description.
*Eight points will be given for the summary paragraph containing seven sentences. Each paragraph should explain how the activity will be used to reach social and emotional competency.
*Points will be deducted for grammar and spelling errors.
Follow the guidelines listed above for each of the five activities.
Resources (Five Keys to Successful Social and Emotional Learning )
Textbook: Page 220 and online resources. There are many resources that can be used for this activity.
Web Sites: Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFEL)
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