Posted: December 11th, 2022
Abortion in the U.S. and how each of these affect it
Abortion in the U.S. and how each of these affect it
Historical Section: Each group member will pick a specific era in your “stuff’s” United States history (go back as far as possible). Research and write about your era, and then put the together in chronological order in this section of the paper.
Cross-cultural Section: Each group member will pick a different country. Research and write about how your “stuff” is used in your country in present day, and then put each country together in this section of the paper.
Macro Perspectives Section: Each group member will pick another macro perspective that you can relate to your “stuff” (i.e. gender, politics, media…). You will research and write about how that macro perspective has shaped our understanding/experiences of your “stuff” in present day, United States culture. Each section should have a subheading heading and be included in your final paper.