Posted: October 13th, 2022
Aboriginal Spirituality and today&society
Aboriginal Spirituality and today&society
Identify one Aboriginal belief or practice that you feel might be essential to a balanced
life in today’s society. Elaborate on how it is essential in today’s society.
Develop a collage or poster that would represent where and how Aboriginal spirituality
fits in today’s world. Identify one Aboriginal belief or practice that you believe is important for living a balanced life in today’s society. Explain why it is important in today’s society.
Create a collage or poster that depicts where and how Aboriginal spirituality can be found.
fits in with today’s world
Celebrating Aboriginal Day & Remembrance Day Activity
Aboriginal National Day commemoration
Describe an appropriate way to commemorate June 21, National Aboriginal Day AND
September 30, Remembrance Day
Give at least THREE reasons for your decision.
Mental well-being and Aboriginal Spirituality
If you or a friend were feeling “lost’ or ‘depressed”, what Aboriginal beliefs, practices, or
values might help you deal with your problems?
9 Aboringial Worldview wrap up and reflection
• What are some common themes or “threads” in Aboriginal worldviews, or the way they see the world? All things are sacred, everything is interconnected, everything is part of a cycle
• Aboriginals believe everything is interconnected. What exactly is everything? Us with the environment, us to each other
• Aboriginal worldviews also see many things as being part of a cycle. What are some examples of cycles in nature? Migration patterns, seasons, moons, life stages
Current issues facing the world: How could Indigenous worldview address those issues:
Global warming
Social Media
(Your own idea)
Current issues facing the world: How could Indigenous worldview address those issues:
1 Global warming
• Good to have the sun: should not have pollution that blocks the sun.
• Would not cut down trees
• Taking care of the ecosystem: realize the interdependence of humans, animals and plants.
• Cut down on using fuel
• Walk and ride bicycles
2 Discrimination
• We are all the same, equal.
• As members of the human “tribe”, we should treat each other well.
• We are all interconnected with each other
• Restorative justice is applicable to discrimination
• With restorative justice, racism will decrease.
3 Poverty
• As members of the same tribe and community, we all help each other through tough times.
• No one is left alone.
• Wealth belongs to all of us.
4 War
• War is caused by discrimination and lack of communication.
• Make sure proper communication exists.
• War is also caused by poverty, so make sure you redistribute wealth.
5 Social Media
6 ( any other issue of your choice)