Posted: December 16th, 2022
a2 | Information Systems homework help
Assignment Instructions
Cybercriminal activity poses new challenges for law enforcement both domestically and internationally. For the first time, cybercrime can cross international boundaries. The removal of traditional jurisdictional boundaries allows cybercriminals to commit a multinational crime with little potential of judicial sanctions. In this Assignment, you will investigate the issues that hamper the successful prosecution of digital crime.
Part 1: Respond to the Following Questions
- Provide two reasons why digital evidence is difficult for lawyers and judges to adequately address. (Minimum 200 words)
- Provide two examples of jurisdictional concerns with cybercrime. (Minimum 200 words)
- Provide two reasons why there is a reluctance to prosecute cybercrime. (Minimum 200 words)
Part 2: Global Cybercrime
As discussed in the Reading for this unit, cybercrime occurs in every country of the globe. The exact nature of these crimes is often directly related to the cultural values of that society. In a Word document, write a research paper of 300–500 words, considering the multinational nature of cybercrime. Based on the Reading in this unit, or a reading of your choice from the Library, in your own words, and supported by credible sources, clearly describe how cultural values of an entire country may shape the type and scope of cybercrime. Identify the kinds of beliefs and values that are promoted in that country or society. Compare these beliefs and values to those of the United States of America.
Assignment Requirements
Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.
For assistance with APA requirements, please go to APA Style Central. You will find the link in the Academic Tools section of the course.