Posted: February 26th, 2022
A Study into Fire Accidents in Ship Engine Room
• Pages
19 pages (10450 words) Single spaced (38 pages double space )
• Charts
• Type of paper
Project Possible checklist
• Discipline
• Title
A Study into fire accidents in engine rooms of ships
• Sources to be cited
20 (please, provide digital sources used)
• Paper format
Other: (harvard style)
Paper instructions
Please check the sample of the final report attached document
table of contents must be filled up the same way as the sample final report.
Continue the same report and same reference and add on them the new count, please
and I have a point to there was a big mistake in the last report interim plan progress Gantt chart is not 8 weeks it’s 31 weeks
The maximum Word count is 12000
I want your best in this report as the sample report please to rewrite the it the best way you can please
Much appreciated
Comments from Customer
i need it to look hypothetical which will look like a real data to work with.
• Pages There are 19 pages in total (10450 words) only one line of spacing (38 pages double space )
The following are examples of charts: 7 • Type of paper Project Possible checklist
• Discipline
• The study is titled A Study into Fire Accidents in Ship Engine Rooms.
• Number of sources to be cited: 20 (please, provide digital sources used)
• Paper size and format
Other: (in the Harvard style)
Instructions for completing the paper
Please review the sample of the final report that has been attached to this document.
To ensure consistency, the table of contents must be formatted similarly to the sample final report.
Please continue to use the same report and the same reference, but include the new count in addition to them. I also want to point out that there was a major error in the last report on interim plan progress. The duration of the Gantt chart is not eight weeks, but rather thirty-one weeks.
The maximum number of words allowed is 12000.
I would like you to do your absolute best in this report as the sample report, and please rewrite it in the most professional manner possible.
Observations from the customer I require it to appear hypothetical, so that it appears to be real data with which to work.
Even with all of the safety precautions and measures in place, ship engine rooms can be extremely dangerous places to be in. There are numerous systems that operate under extreme temperatures and pressures. Any accident has the potential to cause significant property damage and, in some cases, fatalities. The following are examples of the types of incidents that can occur in hostile environments:
The presence of reduced oil particle sizes, air, and a hot spot all contribute to crankcase explosions, which are one of the most dangerous risks. This combination of three elements is required, but a dangerous job can quickly become lethal if they are combined.
Boiler explosions: Mistakes made while operating boilers, internal fuel leakage, misfires, overheating, and exhaust gas fires are all potential causes of high-pressure equipment igniting and exploding.
Air compressor explosions: When workers shut off the discharge valve on an airline compressor during maintenance, an airline explosion can occur. If the valve fails, the result is an over-pressure situation that causes the part to explode. The intent is to keep air leakage to a bare minimum.
Over-speeding of the generator: When a generator runs at a high rate of rotation, it can cause internal parts to fail. Extremely fast detachment and ejection of crank shafts, rods, nuts and bolts, and other components can result in severe injuries.
High-pressure parts can be hazardous to employees’ health and safety. For example, ruptured fuel lines can cause severe burns and burn injuries, while steam leaks from high-pressure sources can cause instantaneous death. Failure of steam joints can result in the rupture of steam lines, which can also be caused by improperly isolated mounting valves and cracks/material failures. Crews working on hydraulic accidents may be exposed to high-pressure fluids and parts.
Shocks: There are a variety of electrical hazards in engine rooms. Starting any equipment while performing maintenance can result in a nasty jolt, so make sure all components are properly isolated before beginning.
In the event of a fire, ship engine rooms store carbon dioxide to prevent the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Even though it’s only activated after everyone has left the room, the device has the potential to kill any crew members who are still present if it’s accidentally activated. Aside from equipment, staircases in engine rooms can be dangerous. These are frequently used on a regular basis throughout a work shift, and slipping on slippery stairs or not having enough hands free to hold a railing can result in serious injuries. Bruising and head injuries are common occurrences in sports. Remember to tighten helmet belts and be cautious when carrying heavy equipment, leaving a hand free to hold onto a railing, workers should make a point of doing.
Engine rooms have a bad reputation for catching fire.
According to a study conducted by the International Maritime Organization, engine room fires can account for up to 50% of all merchant ship disasters. Approximately 60% of those are caused by pressurized oil leaks, according to the EPA. Therefore, regular maintenance is required to ensure that the engine room is kept clean and that the control equipment is properly installed and operated. Accidents not only cause significant property damage and fatalities, but they also cause ship owners to incur the costs of salvage, towage, repairs, and, in some cases, extended downtime.
Maritime laws, in addition to reducing risks and establishing strict safety standards, also provide a mechanism for injured individuals to seek restitution. This is especially true when someone’s actions are the result of negligence. There are legal requirements for workers to receive job-related training, as well as for them to take time off between shifts, because fatigue can result in mistakes and accidents.
Smoke filling and entrainment behaviors of fire in a sealed ship engine room
Suppression of ship fires through the use of cabin sealing is frequently used as a last resort and is highly effective at suppressing fires. Because of the increased internal pressure and decreased oxygen concentration that can occur when a fire occurs in a closed engine room, the fire burning processes are likely to be negatively affected further. Sealed fires are made even more complicated by the interaction between the combustion processes and the changing environment surrounding them. Using a sealed ship engine room as a test bed, this study investigates the behaviors of smoke plume entrainment and filling. Theoretical models for plume entrainment and smoke filling are being developed, with the first being developed first. To determine the unknowns in the plume entrainment model, it is proposed to use a new reverse analysis method that incorporates particle swarm optimization (PSO) and the smoke filling model in conjunction with the smoke filling model. The explicit smoke filling model of a sealed ship engine room is developed on the basis of experimental data from the literature and reverse analysis. A number of previous experimental measurements and numerical simulations are used to verify the model’s ability to predict the future. It appears that a sealed fire has a higher level of smoke entrainment than an open fire, according to the findings. The proposed sealed ship engine room fire model can be used in the engineering safety design of cases where there is a potential for sealed fires in the engine room of a ship.
Engine Room: A diverse collection of machines and mishaps.
On August 18th, 2014, an engine room fire aboard the Bahamian-flagged 485ft chemical tanker rendered the vessel unusable and resulted in the death of one of the vessel’s 22 crew members. The vessel remained adrift 700 miles west of Cape Blanco due to a lack of propulsion. It is the engine room of a ship that is home to a variety of machines that all have a single purpose: to keep the ship afloat and moving as it houses propulsion systems; this makes this part of the ship more dangerous because it involves fuel substances that have the potential to cause combustion or any other potentially hazardous outcome as a result of poor maintenance or carelessness in operation.
It is estimated that two-thirds of engine room/emergency department fires begin when minor details go wrong, with a 63 percent chance of occurring and the majority being controllable, according to DNV (Det Norske Veritas), with the majority being controllable. Crew quarters (10 percent chance of catching fire) and cargo holds round out the list of flammable locations. (27% of the population) The engine room fire has the potential to spread to other areas of the ship and cause additional damage, as demonstrated by the incident involving the passenger ship “Romantica” in the Mediterranean, where the fire aboard damaged the entire vessel. One more example of emergency room fire damage is the “Sun Vista” cruise liner, which sank off the coast of Malaysia, demonstrating that such accidents can determine the fate of a vessel. In addition, according to the DNV’s statistics, a shipowner with a fleet of 20 vessels should expect at least one major emergency response fire every 10 years; establishing ER fires as common in maritime and requesting that ship management implement a clear policy on avoidance.
To begin our approach, it is beneficial to break down the entire dimension from the ground up; this includes examining the nature and location of an ER as well as potential ignition sources for the fire. This is the largest physical compartment for machinery on a ship, and it houses the vessel’s prime mover, which is typically a variation of either a heat-diesel engine or a gas-steam turbine. Some ships have more than one ER, which can be found to either port or starboard, forward or aft or simply numbered in the ship’s hull. However, the most common location for an ER is near the bottom of the vessel, at the back, at the aft, or at the end of the vessel, and it is usually divided into a few sections. Some ships, particularly those built between 1900 and 1960, have an emergency room located in the mid-ship area.
Engines, which are also the namesake of the ER, can be divided into two categories: propulsion/main engines, which turn the propeller and burn either diesel or heavy oil fuel, with the ability to switch between the two; and auxiliary engines, which are used for auxiliary purposes. Larger propulsion engines also drive electrical generators, which provide power to the ship’s electrical equipment. Larger vessels typically have three or more synchronised generators to ensure smooth operation; the combined output of the generators is greater than the vessel’s power requirement, which allows for maintenance or the loss of one generator.
Steam-driven vessels are moved and powered by one or more large boilers, giving rise to the alternative name “boiler room.” High-pressure steam drives the engine and turbo generators provide power to the vessel. A steam vessel is equipped with a variety of smaller engines, generators, air compressors, feed pumps, and fuel pumps in addition to its propulsion and auxiliary engines. Finally, the conclusion reached regarding the possible nature of emergency rooms and boiler rooms is that these are volatile environments with virtually no margin for error because all systems are interconnected and use potentially hazardous materials, as previously stated.
Because of the nature of emergency response systems, fires can start as a result of the smallest details going wrong and causing a chain reaction that, if not addressed properly, can cause the entire vessel to sink. In addition to finding experience data, which is difficult on its own because there are so many systems to keep track of, it can be challenging to establish focus and anticipate fires. However, according to DNV, the following are the sources of ER fire incidents:
Electrical errors account for 9 percent of all errors.
7 percent of the workforce is engaged in hotwork.
Component failure rate is 14 percent.
Approximately one-fourth of all boiler incidents
There is a 56 percent oil leakage rate.
After reviewing the data presented above, it becomes somewhat easier to determine the first tactic, which is an on-site survey. This tactic can identify possible errors in the machinery; faults, leakages, assessment of the fuel systems, active and passive fire protection. Theoretically, the counter-measures should start from removal of hot surfaces and correct installation of couplings and hosings at fuel oil-using systems; providing rapid response if a fire was to occur. Talking about hot surfaces, most fuel oils ignite upon hitting a surface whose temperature is above 250 degrees; requiring shielding or insulation of surfaces above 220. However the challenge here is detecting what surfaces are hot and thus dangerous which is impossible to do with the naked eye; therefore requiring knowledge of zones which get hotter.
61. Main Engine
Areas to consider in a Diesel Engine; (!) marking common trouble areas
Engine body Indicator valves (!)
Cylinder hoods
Exhaust pipes from all cylinders (!)
Tie-in to exhaust manifold
Exhaust manifold overlapping between steel sheets and laggings (!)
Turbochargers and flanges to them (!)
Cut-outs for pressure/ temperature sensors (!)
Surfaces of floodlights
Any of the above areas can start a fire in the ER if fuel leaks, requiring to know about known leakage zones which are randomly distributed between flexible hoses, couplings, clogged filters and fractured pipes. Parts such as flexible hoses should only be installed where necessary to absorb vibrations; avoiding sharp bends.
ERs are places of high temperature and pressure which directly affects crew working there as such factors are known to impact health and productivity; serving as a second factor for accident. Pressure can create one of the most dangerous accidents in ER; boiler explosion. This type of accident is caused by either overheating or lack of purging. Overheating also is a factor which is caused by loss of water circulation.
Another accident associating with pressure is the highly-pressurised air compressor equipment; occurring during maintenance when the discharge air valve is closed to minimise air leakage. Explosion occurs when the valve is not opened again while starting the compressor while relief valves fail to operate.
So far, it can be seen that to address dangerous accidents is to predict and avert them; done by knowing in advance the possible zones which need to be addressed with proper maintenance. However, in order to do a proper inspection of possible accident zones one needs proper instruments. There are 3 essential instruments; surface/ contact thermometer, laser-based infrared heat tracers and infrared thermo-scanning video equipment.
Contact thermometers are less dependent on calibration and will measure directly onto the surface without the need to estimate the emissivity factor. Laser-based infrared tracers will measure average local temperature; dependent on the distance from the tracer. Infrared thermo-scanning video equipment is used for tracing the source of the high temperature.
Accidents involving ships, damage assessment, and accident investigation
• Due to the fact that the sea covers almost the entire surface of the Earth, shipping is the most important and dominant mode of transportation for international trade. Humanity is served by nearly 90.000 vessels of various sizes and more than 250 different types, all of which are specialized in either cargo or passenger trade or both. Nonetheless, shipping is the primary mode of delivery for international trade, and it contributes significantly to the collective well-being of humanity by transporting billions of tons of raw materials and finished goods onboard ships between ports and port terminals on a daily basis in an efficient, environmentally friendly, and incident-free manner.
• Ships, on the other hand, operate in a high-risk environment. Even in this day and age of precision navigation and satellite technology, there are still a significant number of casualties at sea. Even the most advanced and sophisticated navigation instruments, as well as the most advanced communication technologies, have proven ineffective in preventing shipping accidents from occurring.
• When it comes to shipping accidents, the definition could be described as “a typically sudden event, change, or event sequence that occurs without intent or volition as a result of carelessness, unawareness of, ignorance of, or a combination of causes, and results in an unfortunate outcome.”
• Any shipping accident, regardless of its cause or location, is a tragic event. If it occurs in a confined space, such as a channel or a strait where there is a lot of traffic, it is likely that several risks, some of which are very serious, will arise. However, if a major shipping accident occurs as a result of, for example, water ingress into the ship, which may worsen the ship’s damage stability if the situation is exacerbated by heavy weather or a strong current, the situation becomes even more critical. However, in some other accidents, the issue becomes more “environmental” in nature as a result of oil spillage.