Posted: April 20th, 2022
A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression
A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression. An independent blind comparison was made with a gold standard for diagnosis of depression among 200 psychiatric outpatients.
1. A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression. An independent blind comparison was made with a gold standard for diagnosis of depression among 200 psychiatric outpatients. Among the 50 outpatients found to be depressed according to the gold standard, 35 patients were positive for the test. Among 150 patients found not to be depressed according to the gold standard, 30 patients were found to be positive for the test. The prevalence of depression among his patients is estimated to be 5%. Answer the following questions based on the information provided in the above question:
a. The positive likelihood of the screening test and interpret the result you found
The post-test odds of the screening test and interpret the result you found
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Assume that a Homecare, a for-profit corporation, had revenues of $10 million in 2018. Expenses other than depreciation totaled 65 percent of revenues, and depreciation expense was $1.5 million.
Assume that a Homecare, a for-profit corporation, had revenues of $10 million in 2018. Expenses other than depreciation totaled 65 percent of revenues, and depreciation expense was $1.5 million. All revenue was collected in cash and all expenses and depreciation were paid out in cash. However, this homecare must pay taxes at a rate of 25% of pretax (operating) income. Assuming that the same revenues and expenses reported for financial accounting purposes would be reported for tax purposes, please answer
a. Construct homecare 2018 income statement.
b. What were homecares’ net income, total profit margin, and cash flow?
c. Now, suppose the company changed its depreciation calculation procedures (still within GAAP) such that its depreciation expense doubled. How would this change affect homecares net income, total profit margin and….
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Policy analysis provides informed advice to a client that relates to a public policy decision, includes a recommended course of action/inaction, and is framed by the client’s powers and values. Following is the structure of the policy analysis
Description and Instructions: Policy analysis provides informed advice to a client that relates to a public policy decision, includes a recommended course of action/inaction, and is framed by the client’s powers and values. Following is the structure of the policy analysis:
Problem Statement: It defines the problem being addressed in the analysis. How a problem is framed is one of the most important steps in a policy analysis. Problem statement: Should be 1-2 sentences, usually in the form of a question May be broad or narrow May be neutral or value-laden Must lead to the possibility of several options Should not include recommendation in problem statement Background: The background informs the reader why a problem has been chosen for analysis. This section must be build based on an….
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One method is a simple time-series extrapolation or regression against time. These extrapolations may be by:
One method is a simple time-series extrapolation or regression against time. These extrapolations may be by
(1) constant increments (collections increased by $5,000 in each of the last five years, so they are estimated to increase by $5,000 this year);
(2) constant percentage change (collections increased by 5 percent in each of the last five years, so they are estimated to increase by 5 percent this year);
(3) simple growth models using the average annual compounding formula developed in Chapter 4; and
(4) linear or nonlinear time trends in which revenue for the budget year is estimated as an arithmetic function of time (R a bt) or as a logarithmic function of time (lnR a bt), where R equals collections from the revenue source and t equals a….
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Medical Corporation of America (MCA) has a current stock price of $35, and its last dividend (D0) was $2.50. In view of MCA’s strong financial position, its required rate of return is 12%. If MCA’s dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate in the future, what is the firm’s expected stock price in five years?
1. Medical Corporation of America (MCA) has a current stock price of $35, and its last dividend (D0) was $2.50. In view of MCA’s strong financial position, its required rate of return is 12%. If MCA’s dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate in the future, what is the firm’s expected stock price in five years?
Choice: $43.68 Choice: $48.95 Choice: $52.10 Choice: $68.75
2. A broker offers to sell you shares of Bay Area Healthcare, which just paid a dividend of $2 per share. The dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6% per year. The stock’s required rate of return is 12%. What is the expected dollar dividend at the end of three years?
Choice: $2.38 Choice: $3.12 Choice:….
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The purpose of this assignment is to identify and define the various electronic or technological tools and measurements that can be used to improve the effectiveness of patient-centered outcomes in diversity programs established by an organization.
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and define the various electronic or technological tools and measurements that can be used to improve the effectiveness of patient-centered outcomes in diversity programs established by an organization.
Providers must learn new tools to eliminate disparities, build trust with patients, and understand how international biases and pre-established stereotypes affect quality of care.
Referencing the Healthy People 2030 objectives described in the article “Healthy People: The Role of Law and Policy in the Nation’s Public Health Agenda,” write a 1,000-1,250 word paper that addresses how each of the following must be considered when implementing digital equality in an environment of diversity. You must include a minimum of one additional resource in your rationale.
National health goals. Socioeconomic pressures. Stakeholder ethical considerations….
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According to a paper published by Park-Lee in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality report of Oct 2021, “In 2021, 11.3% of high school students (1.72 million) and 2.8% (320,000) of middle school students reported current e-cigarette use.
According to a paper published by Park-Lee in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality report of Oct 2021, “In 2021, 11.3% of high school students (1.72 million) and 2.8% (320,000) of middle school students reported current e-cigarette use. Among current e-cigarette users, 43.6% of high school students and 17.2% of middle school students reported using e-cigarettes on =20 of the past 30 days; daily use was 27.6% among current high school e-cigarette users and 8.3% among current middle school e-cigarette user”. Further, the paper noted that, “Among current youth e-cigarette users overall, 84.7% used flavored e-cigarettes, including 85.8% of high school users and 79.2% of middle school users. Among all current flavored e-cigarette users, the most commonly used flavor types among both middle and high school students were fruit,….
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Theory can be used in many different ways to inform the process of health behavior change. Value-Expectancy theories (VE-T) explain how individuals make health behavior decisions with respect to their expectations and beliefs regarding the health behavior. Assessment of the value attached to the outcomes of that behavior drives the decision.
Theory can be used in many different ways to inform the process of health behavior change. Value-Expectancy theories (VE-T) explain how individuals make health behavior decisions with respect to their expectations and beliefs regarding the health behavior. Assessment of the value attached to the outcomes of that behavior drives the decision.
Choose a health behavior to be changed (e.g., smoking, overeating). Choose two of the VE-T theories described in Chapter 4 and apply the chosen behavior to both theories. Explain the process and possibilities of change within each theoretical framework.
Finally, explain which theory might have the “edge” in producing long-term change. Justify your response with referenced support. As you respond to classmates, feel free to debate and respectfully agree or disagree with their approach.
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Moral Hazard in health care usually refers to the additional consumption of medical care by the insured relative to the uninsured; that is, as the price falls to zero, people consume more services. Should all of the additional “insurance-related consumption be considered waste? why or why not?
1. Moral Hazard in health care usually refers to the additional consumption of medical care by the insured relative to the uninsured; that is, as the price falls to zero, people consume more services. Should all of the additional “insurance-related consumption be considered waste? why or why not?
2. The implication is that if we raise prices at the point of service, using deductibles and copayments, we can reduce consumption. Is it possible that we can reduce it too much?
3. To what extent can this strategy…Excepting certain kinds of primary care from deductibles and copayment…be adopted for other kinds of health care? are there “optimal” copayments for all medical procedures and service, ones that can discriminate between welfare enhancing versus welfare reducing moral
A psychiatrist devised a short screening test for depression