Posted: July 30th, 2023
A Comparative Analysis of Toddler Growth and Development through Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns
Compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers of different ages using Gordon’s functional health patterns. Describe and apply the components of Gordon’s functional health patterns as it applies to toddlers.
Word limit 500 words. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.
A Comparative Analysis of Toddler Growth and Development through Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns
Understanding the growth and developmental patterns of toddlers is crucial for identifying their evolving health needs and ensuring optimal well-being. Gordon’s functional health patterns provide a comprehensive framework to assess various aspects of a child’s health, emphasizing the interconnectedness of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial domains. This article aims to compare and contrast the growth and developmental patterns of two toddlers at different ages, utilizing Gordon’s functional health patterns to gain valuable insights into their health and well-being.
Toddlers and Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns
Gordon’s functional health patterns encompass 11 categories that help evaluate a child’s health status and identify potential issues. These patterns are: Health Perception-Health Management, Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern, Elimination Pattern, Activity-Exercise Pattern, Sleep-Rest Pattern, Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern, Self-Perception-Self-Concept Pattern, Role-Relationship Pattern, Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern, Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern, and Values-Beliefs Pattern.
Comparing Two Toddlers
Toddler A: 18 months old
Toddler B: 36 months old
Health Perception-Health Management:
Toddler A is more reliant on parental guidance for health management. Regular pediatrician visits and vaccinations are essential to ensure proper growth and development. In contrast, Toddler B is starting to exhibit some autonomy in understanding health routines, such as brushing teeth, though supervision and guidance from caregivers are still necessary.
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern:
Both toddlers have diverse nutritional needs, but Toddler A’s diet largely depends on breast milk/formula and pureed foods, while Toddler B is experiencing a transition to solid foods, exploring new tastes and textures. Dietary choices for both toddlers should be rich in essential nutrients for optimal growth and development.
Elimination Pattern:
Toddler A is learning toilet training, and accidents are common. Toddler B has developed more control over bladder and bowel movements but may occasionally require reminders to use the bathroom.
Activity-Exercise Pattern:
Both toddlers are highly active and constantly exploring their environment. Toddler A is more prone to crawling and cruising, while Toddler B has improved mobility and is actively engaging in running and jumping activities.
Sleep-Rest Pattern:
Toddler A is establishing a sleep routine, experiencing more frequent naps during the day. In contrast, Toddler B has likely transitioned to one nap a day and spends more time sleeping at night.
Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern:
Toddler A exhibits a growing curiosity, exploring objects through sensory experiences and simple problem-solving. Toddler B has a more developed cognitive ability, engaging in imaginative play, and demonstrating better problem-solving skills.
Self-Perception-Self-Concept Pattern:
Both toddlers are forming their self-concept through interactions with caregivers and peers. Toddler A may display separation anxiety, while Toddler B is becoming more confident in their abilities.
Role-Relationship Pattern:
Toddler A primarily relies on their caregivers for emotional support and social interactions. Toddler B is expanding their social circle, interacting more with other children and establishing friendships.
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern:
At these ages, toddlers are still developing their gender identity and understanding the concept of gender roles.
Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern:
Both toddlers require a nurturing and supportive environment to cope with stress and challenges. Toddlers A and B may exhibit distress through crying, tantrums, or seeking comfort from caregivers.
Values-Beliefs Pattern:
Toddlers are beginning to grasp basic moral concepts by observing their caregivers’ actions and attitudes. Developing a positive value system requires consistent role modeling and guidance from adults.
Through the lens of Gordon’s functional health patterns, we can observe the unique growth and developmental trajectories of Toddler A and Toddler B. While Toddler A is still highly dependent on caregivers, Toddler B is evolving into a more independent individual. Understanding and applying these patterns enable caregivers and healthcare professionals to identify potential health concerns and support toddlers’ overall well-being during this critical stage of development.
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Almutairi, A. F., McCarthy, A., & Gardner, G. E. (2022). The application of Gordon’s functional health patterns in the assessment of community-dwelling older adults: A systematic review. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 17(3), e12421.