Posted: April 13th, 2023
ENG 1100 MOD 5 Persuasive KH
Module 5 Assignment: Persuasive Essay (Draft)
Assignment Overview:For this assignment, you will create a 5-paragraph Persuasive Essay draft in a Word document. You will use MLA formatting, identify and correct writing errors, and reflect on the writing process. This assignment will allow you to critically consider and argue for community issues from a personal perspective. It will also give you the opportunity to practice organizing ideas into introduction, body, and conclusion paragraphs.Assignment Instructions:
Read Chapter 14 about the process of writing an essay and focus on how to compose the following paragraphs: introduction, body, and conclusion.
Read about composing the Persuasive Essay on pages 255-262 in your textbook.
Brainstorm ideas about a community issue you face or have faced in the past.
Remember that your community can be any group you have belonged to.
Communities could include schools, apartment buildings, workplaces, neighborhoods, towns, or states, etc.
Chose an issue that you have experienced personally and feel confident arguing about using those experiences to support your statements.
You can argue for a solution, for awareness, or for prevention.
Your paper must adhere to the following guidelines:
500-550 words in length
Double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Times New Roman or Calibri, 12-point font
Reflect the diagram on page 261 of the textbook and include:
Thesis statement
At least three body paragraphs
Use complete sentences, correct punctuation, grammar, and mechanics
Once you finish your draft of the 5-Paragraph Persuasive Essay, submit it here to Remember to select “Submit a Paper for Review,” answer the questions, and upload your essay to the website.If you have questions, email your instructor.
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