Posted: April 13th, 2023
Writing Assignment 4 essay
Purpose: This assignment is designed as an opportunity for you to share the work you have accomplished in the course and receive feedback from your colleagues.
Create a presentation to display your
Context/setting (community, school),
Rationale and ethics,
Proposed intervention strategy and how the literature you reviewed supported that choice, and References.
For your presentation, you may use the format that works best for you. Some options include PowerPoint or Prezi (maximum of nine slides, minimum of 24 pt font; maximum of four bullets per slide), video, graphic organizers, and/or Microsoft Word graphics.
Submit a copy of your presentation to your instructor in the appropriate dropbox.
Share your presentation with your classmates during the final class meeting.
Gradations of Quality
Elements Excellent Met Expectations Expectations Not
Summarizes topic and key concepts and potential intervention from the literature synthesis
(7 points) Summarizes concisely and completely with no errors (7 points) Summarizes completely with few
errors (5-6 points) Missing one or more required elements or there is no logical connection between the literature and the proposed intervention strategy. (0-4 points)
2. Employs appropriate composition, word usage, spelling, grammar, and mechanics
(1 point) No more than two errors per page
(1 point) No more than five errors per page/slide
(0.75 point) More than five errors per page/ slide, resulting in an incomplete or incoherent visual presentation. (0-0.5 points)
3. Cites in the text and use one-to-one correspondence in the references (i.e., avoiding plagiarism &
using paraphrasing &
(1 point) No more than two minor citation/ reference errors in the assignment. (1 point) No more than three minor citation/ reference errors in the assignment. (0.75 point) Citations and/or references incomplete
or missing, demonstrating plagiarism. (This will result in a failing grade for the assignment.)
4. Uses APA (7th ed.) format (e.g., margins, spacing, citations, references, etc.) and complies with other stated formatting requirements. (1 point) No more than two errors in the assignment. PowerPoint/Prezi
slides are in at least 24pt font, no more than four bullets per slide. (1 point) No more than five formatting errors in the assignment. PowerPoint/Prezi
slides are in at least 24pt font, no more than four bullets per slide.
(0.75 point) The assignment does not comply with APA (7th ed.) formatting and/or uses a small font size and/or too much text per page. (0-0.5 points)