Posted: April 13th, 2023
Ethics 5
Discussion Board #5/Organ Transplants and Genetic Technology due April 15, 2021
SubscribeDiscussion Board #5/Organ Transplants and Genetic Technology due
Today your Discussion Board will include two topics: Please answer both on the same Discussion Board.
Organ Transplantation andReproductive Technology
1.Organ Transplantation
Judaeo Christian teaching says that organ transplantation is a gift of life to someone and is a benefit but not all religious traditions would agree with this concept.
There are limitations and issues based on consent, sources of organs , buying and selling of organs on Black Market and private contracts with the poor in other countries.
Some would say that people have a right to a transplant, others would disagree. How do you react to these questions?
2.The Use of Reproductive Technology
The Science of Infertility has developed beyond belief in the last 25 years. The use of Genetic knowledge in the creation and manipulation of human life is big business.
Designer babies that are created with certain characteristics and physical traits are now a possibility due to the advancement of science. People with the ability to pay may now use this branch of science to produce their children.
How do you react to this new branch of genetic knowledge to produce children?
Is there any real difference between this science today and what Hitler’s Leibensporn experiment tried to accomplish to produce a master race?
Do people have a right to have children?
What does Judeo-Christian Tradition teach?
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