Posted: April 13th, 2023
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Topic for paper: Santa Barbara City College
For this question, write a paper that includes the following:
1. Purpose of your project and the statement of the problem or research question addressed.
1. Background of the community college being studied.
1. A brief history.
2. State of location, and identification as urban, suburban, or rural college.
3. Type of state governance model (decentralization to centralization).
4. Governing board.
1. Is the board elected or appointed?
2. Are any constituent groups represented on the board (students, faculty, staff, and administrators)?
3. Does the governing board select the CEO?
4. Does the CEO recommend the employment of all other personnel to the board?
5. Single or multiple campus college, district, or system.
6. Institution student enrollment and number of employees by group: administrators, faculty, and classified staff.
7. Shared governance model, if any.
1. A brief discussion of the purpose statement.
2. Number of participants, and number of participants by groups, administrators, faculty, staff, or students.
3. Recommendations that are binding, semi-binding, or strong.
4. Unions present, if any.
1. Do unions have any influence over administrative, faculty, or staff senates or organizations?
2. Do unions appoint individuals to participatory bodies?
2. A summary of your introduction by recommending an action the institution might take to improve the quality of its governance. Only make recommendations that the local college might be able to implement. If there is a local governing board, make recommendations based on the readings to date on how trusteeship and governance can improve. If there is no local board, comment on efforts to improve culture, climate, involvement, and decision making in the institution.