Posted: April 13th, 2023
Need A Rewrite Introduction To Fiction Week 5 essay
Unit 5: Discussion
Participation in the discussion thread is worth 20 points per unit. The assignment consists of two things—posting your first response to the prompts, and participating in the conversation by responding to at least two of your peers’ postings.
NOTE: Do not simply copy and paste from your reading journal into the discussion. You can use some of the ideas from your journal to frame your discussion post/responses, but the discussion posts must be substantially different from the reading journal.
Discussion Prompt Initial Response
The full ten points will be given to a discussion response posting that
• Responds to every aspect of the discussion prompt with originality (do not just repeat what other students say – what is different that you can add to the conversation?)
• Displays a familiarity with the texts and topics being discussed, using specific details or examples from the text(s)
• Exceeds 250 words
At the discretion of the instructor, points will be taken off any response that does not fulfill all of these goals. Late points will be deducted according to the standard late submission policy.
Response to Peers
The full ten points will be given if you provide at least two response postings that
• Interact with a classmate’s post with originality and thoroughness
• Add something new to the conversation
• Exceed 50 word each
At the discretion of the instructor, points will be taken off any response that does not fulfill all of these goals. Late points will be deducted according to the standard late submission policy.
You are very much encouraged to post more than twice to the postings of your peers; the two longest postings are just the ones that will be evaluated.
Unit 5 Discussion Prompt
For this discussion, you will be divided into small groups. Within your groups, each person will choose one scene from the novel and explain why it is important to understanding a specific character or an overall theme.
Mark Twain- Personal Recollection of Joan of Arc Book 1
Sieur Louis De Conte introduces himself and is the narrator for this story. De Conte speaks of a violent and cruel Paris during the England’s control of France in the 1400’s. His family were French loyalist. The way he speaks of the condition of Paris and France made me a bit queasy and was very captivating. De Conte watched his family slaughtered at age 6 and then he went to live in Domremy with a priest named Guillaume Fronte. This is where De Conte grows and learns to read and write and gains his name “Scholar”. He lived close to the church and behind the church was the d’Arc family’s garden and that is how he met Joan. Domremy is rural and described as very poor but is painted beautiful by out narrator. Just like the happy and beautiful family that De Conte loved and admired, Domremy was destroyed and taken from him as well. Many of the initial chapters in book 1 are De Conte recalling times that show Joan as a truthful, kind, happy, wise, persuasive, and strong character, just like the as in the scene with Pere Fronte and Joan about “banishing” the fairies. Interesting mystic mixed with Christian tones especially surrounding the Fairy Tree. When the fairies reveal themselves again and Fronte had to banish the fairies, the children went straight to Joan as if he was their leader and could stop it even though she was suffering from a fever and was very ill. The narrator reveals the conversation that Joan has with Pere Fronte about him banishing the fairies and in the end, she is able to show him his error and how this was Joan’s special and unique gift. We also are described the divine moment when Joan is given her command from God delivered by the arch angel Michael. She tells De Conte that she has been in fact talking to him for years and he is the one that tells her the things she speaks of with such certainty. This clears his feelings that she was keeping a secret. This study source was downloaded by 100000767103567 from on 04-12-2021 22:02:17 GMT -05:00 This study
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