Posted: April 13th, 2023
Rough Draft Of Analytical Movie Review essay
ROUGH DRAFT of Analytical Movie Review
ENG2102 – Spring 2021
Due: 11:59 PM, Tuesday, April 13
Directions: Write a rough draft of your Analytical Movie Review following the requirements below and
submit it to Read the full directions for the paper before completing this assignment.
Rough Draft Requirements
□ Write about the same movie listed on your proposal, unless I have required you to make a change.
□ Your draft must be at least 700 words (which is half of the requirement for the final paper). This
minimum does NOT include an optional works cited section.
□ Write an introduction of 1 paragraph that includes these elements:
o Identify the chosen movie and a few of the major people involved.
o If you include a summary of the movie, take no more than 2 sentences to do so.
o You might refer to a few of the awards and nominations the movie has received.
o End your intro with your thesis statement, giving your overall opinion of the movie.
□ Following your introduction, write at least 3 body paragraphs.
□ Focus each body paragraph on one of the assigned criteria.
□ Include a strong topic sentence for each body paragraph that does the following:
o Names the criterion being evaluated in that paragraph.
o Sums up how well the movie meets the criterion.
□ Do NOT include a general summary of the movie in the body of your paper, but DO include specific
details from the movie as supporting evidence of your evaluation
□ Include at least 5 quotations with the following restrictions:
o No more than 2 quotations from the movie.
o At least 1 quotation from 2 different articles.
□ Highlight or underline each quotation you have included.
□ Include a page reference for articles that incorporate page numbers.
o Use the PDF version of articles whenever possible.
□ A works cited section is optional.
□ Your draft must be no more than 30% quoting.
□ After submitting your rough draft, verify that the correct file has been uploaded and is complete.
• Check off the requirements as you complete them.
• Rewatch your chosen movie.
• Incorporate the feedback on your proposal and on your discussion posting.
• Remember that the above requirements do not include all of the elements needed in the final
paper, such as discussing one film term/technique from this semester for each criterion.
Your draft will be evaluated only on completion of the above requirements, so spend most of your drafting
time on filling out your ideas and not on proofreading.
I will provide several comments/suggestions regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the rough draft. In
addition, I will identify several formatting and grammar corrections that are needed.
After I have commented on your rough draft, feel free to ask for additional feedback by emailing me specific
questions or even a revised draft.