Posted: April 13th, 2023
Assignment direction
Once you have completed your Self-Assessment: What Motivates You in MindTap you will receive an interpretation of your results. You will then write your response to the following prompts:
1. Write a summary of your results (do not copy and paste the interpretation; use your own words to convey what your results mean). Discuss what you believe the results mean about your ability to function in the workplace.
2. Find an article that explains and/or develops the scale used in your Self-Assessment assignment, or one similar to it. Write a summary that gives a brief overview of the article and then discusses 5 specific issues regarding the scale/assessment used: how many questions, how many sub-factors, what its reliability/validity is, how it is scored, etc.
3. Write a response to the following applied question(s):
Think of a coworker, family member, classmate, or friend whom you perceive to be both a Type A individual and successful in his or her professional aspirations. Interview that person via phone or email, or face-to-face. Start by asking the individual why he/she believes he/she has been successful in his/her career. The answers will probably include both traits and behaviors. Then ask about his or her greatest strengths and weaknesses. Write an essay starting with a very brief description of the individual and his/her position, followed by how, or if, the person’s answers are relevant to Type A competencies. Provide specific examples. Were the answers consistent with your original opinion of the person’s Type A personality—did your perception match his/her responses to you? Why or why not?
1. From a Christian worldview perspective what are the areas of strength from your Self-Assessment results and why is this important scripturally. Also from the Christian worldview perspective what are the areas of weakness revealed by your Self-Assessment results and why is this important scripturally.
The student will post one thread of at least 400 words (100 words per section and he student must then post 2 replies of at least 100 words For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 4 different scholarly citations in current APA format. For each reply students must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in current APA format. The citations must each be from a different source and cannot be the same as those used in their original thread. All 6 sources cited must have been published within the last five years unless the student is citing classic or historical theoretical information. Acceptable sources include the course textbook, scholarly peer-reviewed sources, and/or the Bible, in current APA format. Do not use of direct quotes. Read the information, synthesize it and then convey it in your own words, giving credit to the source with an APA formatted citation.