Posted: February 26th, 2022
I don’t see a significant difference in your Trio in this Unit 4 Individual Project submission. Please open the paper I returned to you in preparation for the last Individual Project of RES861. There are required NEXT STEPS listed for you there.
For the last Individual Project, you’ll refine and produce a final version of the Research Prospectus. Please remember, this document is an official university milestone for your dissertation journey. A successful Research Prospectus is one that meets ALL requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation research study.
Ensure you use the “Final Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation ” rubric posted within the document returned to you. In this self-evaluation, click on EACH box of the rubric to designate “Meets” or “Does Not Meet” for each section. If you did not meet ALL the criteria under the “Meets” column(s), identify the work to be completed or continued, in the last column and retain this rubric within the document for your final submission.
The following is the breakdown of your earned points for the assignment under three CTU category/project criteria.
Maximum/Total Possible Points: 300
Total Point Earned: See total score in gradebook
1. Task Requirements Points: This category/project criteria refers to the University requirements set forth in the assignment instructions, the Research Prospectus Template, and Research Prospectus Rubric. 60 out of 75
2. Demonstration and Application of Knowledge Points: This category/project criteria refers to how well the submission demonstrates subject matter expertise and knowledge of the general and specific research topic. 105 out of 165
3. Academic Writing and Format Points: This category/project criteria refers to how well the submission is written at the appropriate, doctoral level, and proper format used, per APA and the CTU Research Prospectus Template. 5 0 out of 60
Have a great week!
Use this Microsoft Word document already in APA format to write your IP assignments. APA 7th edition, 12-point font
Preparing the Final Research Prospectus Prepare your complete, final version of your Research Prospectus that incorporates all feedback you received from your instructor when you submitted your Research Prospectus draft for the Unit 4 Individual Project. The Research Prospectus is an official university milestone document for your dissertation journey. A successful Prospectus is one that meets all requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation study; thus, a final instructor-approved Research Prospectus is expected for this assignment and so that you may continue on your dissertation journey.
The final Research Prospectus must be formatted per the template requirements as well as accurate APA.
For the final Unit 6 Individual Project, you’ll refine and produce a final version of the Research Prospectus. Please remember, as posted in the curriculum and discussed at length in Live chat 9, the Research Prospectus is an official university milestone document for your dissertation journey. A successful Prospectus is one that meets all requirements for content, length, and plan for your dissertation study.
Next Steps:
1. Remove any red, placeholder text, comments bubbles, instructional text, and the rubric inserted in the Unit 4 IP before you complete and submit your Unit 6 Individual Project.
2. Use spell check, use Grammarly, review your document in full for proper APA and proofread your document thoroughly. The final Research Prospectus MUST be formatted per the template requirements as well as accurate APA.
3. After additional updates and revision, submit your paper to the Smarthinking tutoring service for a paper review again. This time selecting different options than you have previously. Incorporate Smarthinking tutor feedback into your final paper. (Remember, Smarthinking takes about 24 hours.)
4. Finally, use the “Final Unit 6 Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation” rubric (posted under Learning Materials) to conduct a final self-evaluation, clicking on EACH box to designate “Meets” or “Does Not Meet” for each section. This rubric is also located under Announcements and included in the Unit 4 IP returned to you.
5. If you did NOT meet ALL of the criteria under the “Meets” column(s), identify the work to be completed or continued, in the last column.
6. Then, paste the “Final Unit 6 Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation” Rubric on the first page of your final Unit 6 Individual Project (below the title page/before the Abstract) BEFORE submitting for grading.
Instructor’s Comments:
Please remember, the Research Prospectus is a critical Pass/No Pass assignment in RES861. It lays the foundation for your dissertation and per CTU, must be “deemed satisfactory for forward progression”.
Your Research Prospectus must be declared satisfactory to pass the course.
What is MOST important in the final document is your Trio. The submission of a satisfactory Research Prospectus is the critical Pass/No Pass assignment, per CTU.
You’ve got this! Keep going; you want to finish STRONG!
Remember, you MUST cite relevant and specific scholarly research to support statements within your document. You are setting the foundation for future research, here. Your prospectus must clearly identify a specific gap in existing knowledge to be filled by your future study.
To help you “check the CTU requirements off the list”, go through the self-assessment I’ve included in the document returned to you as you make revisions and edit.
In this Unit 4 Individual Project work, I don’t perceive a major difference in your Trio. Please open the paper I returned to you in preparation for RES861’s final Individual Project. There are NEXT STEPS for you to take there.
You will improve and generate a final version of the Research Prospectus for the final Individual Project. Please keep in mind that this is an official academic milestone for your dissertation journey. A successful Research Prospectus is one that fits ALL content, duration, and planning requirements for your dissertation research study.
Use the “Final Individual Project Research Prospectus Self-Evaluation” rubric that is contained within the paper that was returned to you. In this self-evaluation, mark each box on the rubric with “Meets” or “Does Not.”