Case Analysis, How to conduct a Case Analysis
Case Analysis Key PPTs
4. Team Case Analysis Best Practices.pdf
This is a TurnItIn proctored TEAM Learning Assignment and is worth 100 points
Module 2 , Textbook 1, Team Case Analysis Reports and Presentations:
Due Date:
Sunday, September 06, 2020 at 11:55 PM
Dear International Strategic Management Executives:
Please read from our Textbook 1, the following Strategic Management case assigned for this Learning Module and please analyze and answer the following questions:
Part I
* What’s this Strategic Management Business Case about?
* Which are the three most Critical Issues of this Strategic Management Business Case?
Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …
* Which are the three most relevant Lessons Learned of this Strategic Management Business Case?
Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …
* Which are the three most relevant Best Practices of this Strategic Management Business Case?
Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail …
In addition, please double make sure to address ALL of the following Strategic Management Business Case sections in your Learning Team Case Analysis Report and Presentation:
Part II
* Industry Analysis (PESTEL Analysis and Porter 5 Forces)
At LEAST 3 to 5 Bullet Points for EACH Force
Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH Bullet Point …
* Business SWOT Analysis
At LEAST 3 to 5 Bullet Points for EACH SWOT Analysis Section …
Please explain why? and analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH Bullet Point …
* Detailed Financial Analysis
* Identification of Key Problems, Critical, and Strategic Issues
* Key Problems, Critical, and Strategic Issues Analysis
Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH Key Problems, Critical, and Strategic Issues
* Identification of Alternatives for EACH Key Problem, Critical, and Strategic Issues
At LEAST 3 Bullet Points Alternatives for EACH Key Problem, Critical, and Strategic Issues
Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH …
* Evaluation of Alternatives for EACH Key Problem, Critical, and Strategic Issues
Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH …
* Recommended Course of Action
At LEAST 3 Recommended Course of Actions
At LEAST 3 Bullet Points for EACH Recommended Course of Action
Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH …
* Implementation and Execution Plan for EACH Recommended Course of Action
At LEAST 3 Bullet Points for EACH Recommended Course of Action
Please explain, analyze, and discuss in great detail EACH …
and the discussion questions, if any, asked in this Strategic Management Business Case.
Finally, please answer ALL these Questions and Sections of this Strategic Management Business Case with great detail AND STEP BY STEP being extremely methodical and accurate in your answers. It is extremely important that for each Question and Section, you write the entire question and you LABEL and/or PLACE the appropriate headings and subheadings clearly for EACH part of the question and/or section.
Please address, analyze, and discuss in great detail and thoroughly support and explain the what’s, how’s, and why’s of each of your answers.
I expect high caliber Learning Teams Case Analysis Reports and Presentations with top analyses and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know.
Jose Rocha
Learning Assignment Guidelines
Case Analysis Executive Summary:
This case analysis executive summary should be a 1 to 2 pages typed professional written executive summary in Word and PDF format with:
– Line Space: 1.5 max
– Font: Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum
– Margins: left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum
Case Analysis Written Report:
This document should be a typed professional written report in Word and PDF format with:
– Line Space: 1.5 max
– Font: Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum
– Margins: left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum
** No Word and PDF format documents: No grading.
PowerPoint Presentations:
5 slides summarizing your Case Analysis with
5 bullet points with one line (maximum two lines) per each slide in PPT and PDF format
At the end, your Learning Team Case Analysis PowerPoint Presentation will have 25 bullet points in total (5 slides with 5 bullet points each slide).
** No PPT and PDF format documents: No grading.
** Learning Team Case Analysis Written Reports which do not follow ALL these Learning Assignment
Guidelines described in previous paragraphs will not be graded.
Checklist of Documents to hand in Case Analysis Dropbox:
Each Learning Team Captain must submit IN JUST ONE Document
(Word and PDF formats):
- Team, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page
- Case Analysis Executive Summary
- Case Analysis Written Report
- Case Analysis PowerPoint Presentation (PPT and PDF formats)
This WORD document must have in JUST ONE word file the following sections:
· Team, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page
· Case Analysis Executive Summary according to the Learning Assignment Guidelines required for this Learning Assignment.
· Case Analysis Written Report according to the Learning Assignment Guidelines required for this Learning Assignment.
** Please use the Word document Template for this Learning Assignment:
Template, Case Analysis Document
located at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 2.1 Class Learning Assignments Templates.
*** Case Analysis WORD documents with:
TurnItIn Originality Score Index in
o Orange (50-74% similarity index) and/or Red (75-100% similarity index)
will NOT be graded and will be reviewed and assess for potential
Academic Dishonesty misconduct … ***
Grading Rubric
This learning assignment will be graded according to the following grading rubrics :
· “Grading Rubric for Case Analysis Written Reports”
3.1 Grading Rubric for Case Analysis.pdf
3.2 Grading Rubric for Case Analysis Written Report, v. 3.0.pdf
· “Grading Rubric for Writing and APA Style use”
APA Style Rubric.pdf
located at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 2. Class Learning Assignments Guidelines, Grading Rubrics, and Peer Evaluation Forms
Some Learning Tips for this Learning Assignment
Please take a moment to read and get familiarized with the following learning concepts:
Executive Summary
What is an Executive Summary? How to develop an Executive Summary?
According to the [email protected] | The Writing Studio at (Links to an external site.)
An Executive summary is:
“Executive Summaries
Executive Summaries are much like any other summary in that their main goal is to provide a condensed version of the content of a longer report.
The executive summary is usually no longer than 10% of the original document. It can be anywhere from 1-10 pages long, depending on the report’s length. Executive summaries are written literally for an executive who most likely DOES NOT have the time to read the original [document].
Executive summaries make a recommendation. Accuracy is essential because decisions will be made based on your summary by people who have not read the original.
Executive summaries frequently summarize more than one document”
Processes for Writing an Executive Summary (Links to an external site.)
In addition, please find the following Good and poor examples of executive summaries at (Links to an external site.).
Finally, please find a more comprehensive definition and know how about Executive Summaries at the:
University Writing Center at Texas A&M
. (Links to an external site.)
Lessons Learned vs Best Practices
Tips for Turning Lessons Learned into Best Practices: (Links to an external site.)php
Using APA Style and Tips in Writing
You can find several readings and support material for your writing learning assignments and APA Style use at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 1.2 Using APA Style and Tips in Writing