Posted: February 26th, 2022
Week 3 ENG DQR
Responding to Others
· Ask for more information or how the information might be helpful.
· You can visit the section your classmate discussed in his/her post and then ask about that section.
· You might refer to the post of another student in your group.
· See the sample response for ideas.
Ulises Bencosme
Good afternoon class,
1. I selected “Credo Reference” tool.
2. I clicked on the home page of the library, and then I clicked on the Research tab. Credo Reference can be found in the Research Tools column.
3. Credo Reference has a tab dedicated to helping students how to properly conduct research with videos! From how to find relevant sources to even learning how to input your search inquiry so that you can find nonpartisan information. It provides useful tips to keep in mind when doing research.
4. What I did not know is the plethora of tools available to us students to help us with our assignments. While navigating through the Credo website, I found that you can specify the topic of your research to get a more accurate assessment.
5. When you have inputted your search query and hit “enter”, your topic of research is converted into a Mind Map. This is a great way to pick at the smaller topics that compose the broad picture and capture more ideas and information.
Joshua Young
1. I picked the “International Relations” under the “Subjects A-Z” tab.
2. I clicked the Subjects tab on the home screen, which brought down options of links in order by alphabet. I clicked on “I,” which opened another array of options, and clicked on International Relations. I clicked on “Military Database” to start my page exploration and was not disappointed.
3. The one thing that caught my attention was the list of databases. The links take you to reputable sources with peer-reviewed articles, books, and other written sources of information. One link that I think will be helpful for me is the global dispatches podcast link. By listening to a few videos, I think I can expand my thinking and go more in-depth with my essay topic. It will also give me a different perspective on my topic from a point that only a few in their life can see.
4. I did not know about the global dispatches podcast link. The link takes you to a website where members of the International Relations background talk about current global events. They give insight as International Relations professionals who have served in the foreign service. They have even invited a few foreign world leaders to speak on international incidents that relate to their country and another.
5. What surprised me was the consistency of subjects and matching information on the different sites and links. It’s great to know that once I have a reliable database to use, I can keep coming back for more research sources for my work later.
Reacting to Others
Inquire about additional information or how the information might be useful.
You can go to the part your classmate mentioned in his/her post and ask questions about it.
You could refer to another student’s message in your group.
Ideas can be found in the sample response.
Bencosme, Ulises
Good afternoon, students.
1. I selected “Credo Reference” tool.
2. I clicked on the home page of the library, and then I clicked on the Research tab. Credo Reference can be found in the Research Tools column.
3. Credo Reference has a tab dedicated to helping students how to properly conduct research with videos! From how to find relevant sources to even learning how to input your search inquiry so that you