Posted: September 5th, 2023
Application: Criminal Risk Assessment Accurately assessing the risk
Criminal Justice
Application: Criminal Risk Assessment Accurately assessing the risk (high or low) of criminals is important because it informs a variety of decisions related to sentencing, incarceration, and parole. For instance, a high-risk offender is more likely to receive a longer sentence in a more secure prison than is a low-risk offender. The accuracy of risk assessment depends on the quality of tool that is being used; some risk assessment tools are relatively accurate and others are not. As a result, it is important to understand the strengths and limitations of each assessment tool and under what conditions the tool should be used to ensure that the risk assessment is accurate. To prepare for this assignment: Review Chapter 10 in the course text, The Psychology of Criminal Conduct . Reflect on the different types of risk assessment tools used for assessing violence. Consider how accurate these different risk assessment tools are at predicting violence before it occurs. Review the article, “Offender Risk Assessment.” Focus on the specific risk assessment tests that are frequently used to predict crime and violence. Think about the strengths and limitations of these tools to predict criminal behavior and classify different types of criminals. Select two standardized assessment tests that are used to predict criminal behavior and classify criminals. Reflect on the similarities and differences between these two risk assessments tools, as well as on their strengths and limitations. The assignment (2–3 pages): Compare and contrast the two standardized assessments you selected. Explain at least one strength and one limitation of each assessment in terms of the accuracy with which each predicts criminal behavior and classifies criminals. Explain at least one insight you had or conclusion you drew about assessing the dangerousness of criminals as a result of completing this assignment.