Posted: January 31st, 2023
7000-7,500 words Assessment item 3 – Final Research Report
Assessment item 3 – Final Research Report
Due: Thursday of Week 13, 11 pm AEST
Length: 7000-7,500 words
Conditions: Individual
Weighting: 50%
You are required to present a final written report based on your completed research project. This should follow the structure outlined in the Final Report checklist document. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
Marking criteria: Next page
Marking criteria:
Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
Executive summary • Informs why and how the research was conducted
• Includes key findings and recommendations 2 marks
Introduction & Research problem • Includes the context and overview of the industry partner
• Clearly states the research problem, aim and outlines the report structure
1 marks
Literature review & Research questions • Literature reviewed was relevant to the research problem
• Literature reviewed was comprehensive, clearly identified potential factors causing the research problem/ knowledge gap
• Research question(s) was/were based on literature, and specific to the research problem or the research gap identified
• Presents a conceptual map which clearly explains all independent and dependent factors or the knowledge gap
7 marks
Research design • Research method adequately justified, sample and sampling method was appropriate, type of analyses conducted were informed and all ethical concerns addressed 4 marks
Research findings • Analysis was comprehensive
• Properly presented and supported by evidences
8 marks
Discussion • Included evidence of triangulation (if mixed method was used)
• Findings were compared with the literature reviewed
• Answers to research questions were clearly stated
8 marks
Recommen-dations • Recommendations based on evidence (research findings)
• Recommendations specific to the research problem 8 marks
Conclusion and Limitations • Limitations of the research correctly noted
• Summarises the project including major findings, recommendations and potential outcomes if recommendations are implemented
2 marks
Structure, overall presentation and referencing • Presentation completed within recommended word count
• Good use of visuals (correctly labelled), sentences correctly constructed with no spelling or grammatical errors
• All sources (both in-text and reference list) were correctly cited
• Structure of the report was appropriate
10 marks
Total: 50 marks