Posted: January 31st, 2023
BIBL 104 – Discussion Board Forum
BIBL 104 – Discussion Board Forum
Specific Instructions
Week One Discussion Board Thread Instructions
Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts:
After reading the assigned chapters in Everyday Bible Study (Chapters 1-5), identify the following items:
Squares: 4 ideas that, in general, square (fit) with your thinking
Triangles: 3 angles you have never considered before
Circles: 2 questions that are circling in your mind
Hearts: 1 idea that you loved.
Once you have identified these 10 items, list and explain them in a thread. Your full thread should contain at least one quote from Everyday Bible Study to support the thoughts and ideas you are presenting. Your thread should be at least 400 words in length. For an example of this type of thread, please see the provided example.
Week Two Discussion Board Response Post Instructions
Once you have completed the assigned text readings (Everyday Bible Study Chapters 1-11), select two threads you wish to reply to and address your classmates’ thoughts and ideas. The goal of these two posts is to build on the material provided by your classmates. Thus, responses that simply affirm the thread material are not sufficient. The content of each reply must reflect an excellent knowledge of the textbook reading and interact with both the thread and relevant chapter material. You must support your thoughts and ideas by implementing at least one significant quote from Everyday Bible Study. Each response post should be at least 200 words in length.
Week Four Discussion Board Thread Instructions
$12 Summaries
With each word being worth 10 cents, write four $12 summaries of the reading from any four of the following chapters in Everyday Bible Study:
• 15. Observe: How to Make Accurate Observations
• 16. How to Use Multiple Translations of the Bible
• 17. How to Ask Key Questions
• 28. Interpret: How to Find the Meaning of the Bible
• 29. Correlate: How to Connect Scripture to Other Scriptures
• 30. Correlate: How to See Jesus in the Bible
• 31. Apply: How to Live Out What You Learn
• 32. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 1: Law
• 33. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 2: Narrative
• 34. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 3: Wisdom and Poetry
• 35. How to Study the Old Testament Genres, Part 4: Prophetic Literature
This means that in this assignment you are developing four summaries of 120 words each (one for each of the four chapters you selected). You should aim to create four summaries where each summary is between 100-120 words. Each of your summaries should not exceed the 120-word or $12 limit. For an example of this type of thread, please see the provided example.
Week Five Discussion Board Response Post Instructions
Once you have completed the necessary textbook reading in Everyday Bible Study, select two threads you wish to reply to and address your classmates’ thoughts and ideas. The goal of these two posts is to build on the material provided by your classmates. Thus, responses that simply affirm the thread material are not sufficient. The content of each reply must reflect an excellent knowledge of the textbook reading and interact with both the thread and relevant chapter material. You must support your thoughts and ideas by implementing at least one significant quote from Everyday Bible Study. Each response post should be at least 200 words in length.
Week Seven Discussion Board Thread Instructions
After reading the selected chapters in Courageous Faith, determine the chapter that you would like to write about this week and identify the following items:
• 3 key ideas from the chapter on this character in Courageous Faith.
• 2 things you learned about this character from your reading in Courageous Faith.
• 1 way you can use what you have learned from your reading on this character in Courageous Faith.
Once you have identified these items compose a thread of at least 400 words that not only states but also explains each of these items. Your thread should contain at least one quote from Courageous Faith to support the thoughts and ideas you are presenting your thread. For an example of this type of thread, please see the provided example.
Week Eight Discussion Board Response Post Instructions
Once you have reviewed the selected readings from Courageous Faith select two threads you wish to reply to and address your classmates’ thoughts and ideas. The goal of these two posts is to build on the material provided by your classmates. Thus, responses that simply affirm the thread material are not sufficient. The content of each reply must reflect an excellent knowledge of the textbook reading and interact with both the thread and relevant chapter material. You must support your thoughts and ideas by implementing at least one significant quote from Courageous Faith. Each response post should be at least 200 words in length.
Sample answer for discussion 1:
Squares, Triangles, Circles, and Hearts
a) God finds us broken and in despair and he still loves us the way we are. Interestingly, he died for us when we were yet sinners. Grunewald (2017), states that “he promises to meet us in the place of despair” (p. 110). He is not like a man who can be selective on whom to associate with. God finds us in our weakness and loves us.
b) It is important to prioritize the love of Christ since it is the undeserved, unfailing, and unconditional love. People may prioritize friends, jobs or wealth, but they will fade away and Christ will remain.
c) God is the creator of the whole universe and he knows us by our names. He requires us to obey him and live according to his will. We should desire to love and rely on him.
d) Every person is a sinner due to the sin of Adam, but every man can be saved through Jesus Christ, the second Adam.
a) One of the angles I never considered before is about the worship problem identified by the author. The worship problem occurs when sin blurs the glory of God. Therefore, we are not able to worship him as he is and we cannot comprehend his majesty because of sin. Therefore, from now on I will be focusing on righteousness to ensure my worship is not obstructed.
b) The second angle I never considered is the historical context of a biblical story. The historical context helps a person to understand the reason for the turn of events and behavior of characters. For instance, the story of patriarchs and the invasion of Israel, and captivity requires a deeper understanding. Therefore, I will purpose to check the historical context of every story.
c) The third angle is about righteousness. I always thought righteousness is what I do every day. However, I now know righteousness is what Jesus did on the cross. Therefore, I take his righteousness and determine to live a pure life Grunewald (2017), emphasize that “grace has nothing to do with whether you are a well-behaved child of the Father” (p. 39).
a) One of the questions circling my mind as I read about the book is about repentance and the grace of God. My question is whether children who died at a young age and they never came to know about repentance and the grace of God will be in heaven. The author shows that we need to repent and the mercy and grace of God will pardon us. Therefore, are the young children who die at birth or at a young age be pardoned and receive eternal life?
b) My second question is do people really understand the depth of their sinful nature?
a) The author emphasizes the magnitude of the mercy of God. The mercy of God is displayed in his love for humankind through the forgiveness of sin. The fall of man, in the beginning, attracted a punishment, but because of the mercy of God, he sent his son Jesus Christ to come and die for the sin of the world. The author emphasizes that God is an ever loving and merciful God. The mercy of God is an ever-present help for anyone who recognizes their sinful nature and repents their sins.
Grunewald, R. (2017). Reading Romans by Rev. RJ Grunewald.
Everyday bible study. growing in the christian faith. john cartwright and chris hulshof(please note we site directly from the requested books)