Posted: September 1st, 2023
SOCW 6070 Wk 8 PEER Responses essay
SOCW 6070 Wk 8 PEER responses Peer names then response separately to each peer provided
Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.
Respond to at least two colleagues with a thoughtful question or suggestion that builds on your colleague’s strategy for debriefing.
Peer 1
diamond jacobs
RE: Discussion – Week 8
As social workers we are to put aside our briefs, our feelings and focus on the clients. It is very important for a social worker to maintain their compassion and professionalism when considering strategies because a client’s strategies should not be based on the social workers opinion. There was a case I had in court and the judge ordered the child to be moved from the home, only because there was no male figure living in the home. As a mother of a son, I felt belittled and felt like the judge was speaking to me. I felt as though because I do not have a husband or boyfriend in my home, I am doing my son a disservice because I am a woman. I was emotional for the child in this case and for myself, that I had to consult my supervisor. Considering a supervisory role, and applying what I have just experienced will allow me to become a stronger leader and be able to put aside self and focus on other wholeheartedly. According to Freud, some clients can influence the response of social workers, they have to be aware of their unconscious feelings (1910).
As a social work supervisor in the Levy case study video, I would use multiple therapeutic core skills because it would give the supervisor a well-rounded area to focus on. A few therapeutic core skills include an educational mode, reparative mode and a developmental mode (Lundh, 2019). The educational mode focuses on teaching the social worker and applying different skills. Reparative mode identifies disfunction in the social workers skills and developmental mode allows the social worker to engage the client on a personal growth level using non-directivity skills (Lundh, 2019).
Supervisors are faced with tasks of integrating information coming from the clients and engaging in self to assist the client but making sure to engage on a respectable level (McTighe, 2011).
Freud, S. (1910). The future prospects of psycho-analytic therapy S.E. (Vol. 11, pp. 139151). London: Hogarth.
Lundh, L. (2019). Three modes of psychotherapy and their requisite core skills. Counselling & Psychotherapy Research, 19(4), 399–408.
McTighe, J. (2011). Teaching the use of self through the process of clinical supervision. Clinical Social Work Journal, 39(3), 301-307.
Peer 2
Emily Heare
RE: Discussion – Week 8
Supervision Strategy for the Levy Case Study
The social worker in the Levy case has valid emotions from the sessions she had with Mr. Levy. However, the social worker has allowed emotions to affect her outside of the office and invade her personal life. The case study supervisor understandably appears to be a little concerned with why the social worker has become so emotionally attached to the case. As the supervisor in the scenario, I would use the individual supervision model with the social worker due to potentially harmful countertransference. Individual supervision is when the supervisor and supervisee meet one-on-one weekly to talk about cases and particularly cases that are more of a challenge for some reason or another (Kadushin, Berger, Gilbert, de St. Aubin, 2009). The individual supervisor session will allow the social worker to have professional accountability to ensure the NASW code of ethics is being upheld.
As the supervisor, I would use necessary social work practice skills such as empathy, empowerment, offering validation, paraphrasing, self-disclosure, and providing advice during the individual supervision session. I would also encourage and make goals with my supervisee related to their therapeutic work and professional development (National Association of Social Workers and Association of Social Work Boards, 2013). Supervision time would also address potential problems with clients, such as the Levy case’s emotions that could potentially be harmful. Self-care is another topic that can be discussed during this time and can be an excellent connection for the Levy case. Reteaching my supervisee about self-care during times of challenge can help prevent potential burnout of the profession. As the supervisor, I should be setting an example of self-care through my actions.
Kadushin, G., Berger, C., Gilbert, C. & de St. Aubin, M. (2009). Models and methods in hospital social work supervision. Clinical Supervisor, 28(2), 180-199.
National Association of Social Workers and Association of Social Work Boards. (2013). Best practice standards in social work supervision. Retrieved from