Posted: January 18th, 2023
ET913 – Assignment 22/23
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ET913 – Assignment 22/23
For your assignment you will be required to write a 3000 w,,d essay (+/- 10%). There will be three assignment options for you to choose from. You will need to choose ONE assignment option to respond to in writing.
Assignment deadline
• January 12 – via TABULA (noon/12pm). The standId 5% late penalty will be applied for submission beyond this deadline. We recommend you submit your assignment early in case of technical issues.
. Format
• Submit one Word document for your selected option (use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Calibri with an 11 or 12 point font size; use 1.5 or 2.0 line spacing); • Use the option number as your assignment title (e.g., Option 1); • Please include a list of references formatted in APA7 style which only lists the sources you have used in your assignment; in-text citations should also follow APA7 style guidelines; • Do NOT include an abstract or a table of contents; • Please add page numbers to your assignment.
ET913 – Assignment Option 1 (22/23) – vi., 31 ET913 – Assignment Option 2 (22/23) – v2.1 ET913 – Assignment Option 3 (22/23) – v3.1
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ET913 – Assignment Option 1 (22/23) – v1.1
Overview of assessment for Option 1 (3000 words +/- 10%)
As normal, your assignment option choice will be marked according to the marking and assessment criteria n’ alined in the MSc handbook. More specifically for this option 1, we will be assessing how effectively you narrate your experiences, and how deeply ant’ insightfully you reflect on these experiences; we will also be assessing how well you understand and apply the theoretical and empirical literature to the analysis of your experiences.
Below you can find instructions for assignment Option 1.
Note: for this assignment, please only address the focus of the sections outlined below. You do NOT need to include a standard academic introduction and conclusion section.
Assignment Option 1
A very important part of intercultural development and growth is the ability to maximize your learning from different experiences. So, this assignment option 1 aims to engage you in reporting on and critically analysing and reflecting on your own cultural adaptation experiences, both in the past and more recently.
I. Self-introduction (approx. 250-500 words)
In this first section, you should provide a short introduction to yourself in terms of who you are and the place(s) you grew up in (this should include an outline of your understanding of your own cultural background and your perception of the nature and extent of the influence of this background on your own personal development).
Section I note: you are not required to cite any academic sources in this section, but you may still choose to do so. The style of writing can be informal with, for example, use of the personal pronoun ‘I’. Any literature cited should follow APA7 guidelines for in-text citations. II. Reporting and reflecting on experience (approx. 750-1000 words) In this second section, you should report on two or three of your own ‘lived experiences’ which, to you, are interesting and significant in some wad
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ET913 (22/23): ET913 – Assignment Option 1 (22/23) – v1.1
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Section I note: you are not required to cite any academic sources in this section, but you may still choose to do so. The style of writing can be informal with, for example, use of the personal pronoun ‘I’. Any literature cited should follow APA7 guidelines for in-text citations.
II. Reporting and reflecting on experience (approx. 750-1000 words) In this second section, you should report on two or three of your own ‘lived experiences’ which, to you, are interesting and significant in some way in relation to your developing understanding and experience of cultural adaptation. A minimum of one of ■..dse experiences should be a relatively recent experience (i.e., since beginning your time here at Warwick; please note that it is also fine if all the experiences you focus on for this assignment are all recent experiences that have occurred during Term 1, both on-campus and also off-campus in the wider society). You should describe the experiences you have had in terms of the following: o the facts of what occurred; o any challenges/difficulties you experienced; • how you felt about the experience and why you think you felt this way; o how you tried to cope with the challenges of the experience and how successfully you feel you coped.
Section II note: For the experiences you focus on, you should make sure you try to provide as much narrative detail as possible so that you give your reader a clear picture of the experience in terms of the facts of what happened and your response/reaction to and reflections on the experience. Also note that you are not required to cite any academic sources in this section, but you still may choose to do so. The style of writing can be informal in this section. Any literature cited should follow APA7 guidelines for in-text citations.
III. Analysing experience (approx. 1250-1500 words)
In this third section, you should analyse your experiences (which you outlined above in section II) with reference to module relevant literature (both theoretical and empirical) on culture, identity and adaptation. This section requires that you draw on a variety of academic literature to provide the reader with an insightful, critical analysis of how you currently make sense of and understand the experiences you have outlined in section II (i.e., through your analysis you should clarify for the reader your understanding of your experiences in light of relevant empirical and theoretical literature you have read). You should make sure that your analysis is critically informed by theoretical models/frameworks (minimum 1 or 2) we have discussed and/or read about this term in relation to culture, identity and adaptation.
Section III note: This section should be written in a formal academic style with use of literature that is appropriately formatted using APA7 style for in-text citations.
IV. Intercultural learning discussion (approx. 250-500 words)
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is ET913 (22/23): ET913 – Assignment Option 2 (22/23) – v2.1
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ET913 Assi_ vent OPTION 2 (3000 words +/- 10%)
Option 2 assessment overview As normal, your assignment will be marked according to the marking and assessment criteria outlined in the MSc handbook. More specifically for this option, we will be assessing how effectively you review relevant literature, how clearly you narrate your experiences, how deeply and insightfully you reflect on these experiences, and how well you understand and apply the theoretical and empirical literature to the analysis of your experiences.
Note: for this assignment, please only address the focus of the sections. You do NOT i—ed to include a standard academic introduction and conclusion section.
Assignment Option 2 instructions Respond in writing to the following sections:
I. Literature review (approx. 1000-1250 words) From a culture, identity and adaptation perspective, critically review a variety of relevant academic literature (theoretical and empirical) that you identify as usefully contributing to the development of our understanding of the international student study abroad experience in higher education contexts. Particularly focus on responding to the following questions: o What important insights does the literature provide regarding the international student experience in higher education contexts? o What variables can you identify that can have a significant influence on international students’ adaptation to a new academic and sociocultural context? Specifically, what variables can you identify in the pre-departure (before) and in-country (during) phases? To what extent can these variables enhance or hinder the learning and developmental outcomes for international students in relation to their study abroad experience?
Section I note: This section should be written in a formal academic style with use of literature that is appropriately formatted using APA7 style for in-text citations.
II. Reporting and reflecting on experience (approx. 750-1000 words) Describe in good detail and critically reflect on several (2 or 3) cultural adaptation experiences you have had as a postgraduate student here in the UK (on-campus and/or off-campus) which you find noteworthy/significant/interesting in some way. Discuss your experiences in terms of the following: • Describe the facts of what happened; c Explain how you reacted to and felt about what happened and reflect on why you think you reacted and felt this way; • Discuss how you coped with any challenges/difficulties relating to the experience and reflect on how successfully you think you coped. Section II note: For the experiences you focus on, you should make sure you try to provide as much narrative detail as possible so that you give your reader a clear picture ci