Posted: December 15th, 2022
Program Objective: Students will demonstrate effective written communication.
Criterion No/Limited Proficiency
0-69% of points
Some Proficiency
70-80% of points
81-92% of points
High Proficiency
93-100% of points
Clarity of thesis or focus of writing.
Cannot determine thesis and
purpose OR the thesis has no
relation to the writing task
Thesis and purpose are somewhat
vague OR only loosely related to the
writing task
Thesis and purpose are fairly clear
and match the writing task
Thesis and purpose are clear to the
reader: closely match the writing
Unclear organization OR
organizational plan is inappropriate
to thesis. No transitions.
Some signs of logical organization.
May have abrupt or illogical shifts
and ineffective flow of ideas
Organization supports thesis and
purpose. Transitions are mostly
appropriate. Sequence of ideas
could be improved
Fully and imaginatively supports
thesis and purpose. Sequence of
ideas is effective. Transitions are
Support of ideas Offers simplistic, underdeveloped or
cryptic support of ideas
Offers somewhat obvious support
that may be too broad
Offers solid but less original
reasoning; assumptions are not
always recognized or made explicit
Substantial, logical and concrete
development of ideas. Assumptions
are made explicit.
Inappropriate or off-topic
generalizations, faulty assumptions,
errors of fact.
Details are too general, not
interpreted, irrelevant to thesis, or
inappropriately repetitive
Contains some appropriate details
or examples
Details are germane, original, and
convincingly interpreted.
Use of sources/
Plagiarism at any level.
Neglects important sources.
Overuse of quotations or
paraphrase to substitute writer’s
own ideas.
Uses relevant sources but lacks in
variety of sources and/or the skillful
combination of sources. Quotations
and paraphrases may be too long
and/or inconsistently or incorrectly
Uses sources to support, extend,
and inform, but not substitute
writer’s own development of idea.
Doesn’t overuse quotes, but may
not always conform to required
style manual.
Uses sources to support, extend,
and inform, but not substitute
writer’s own development of idea.
Combines material from a variety of
sources, including personal
observation, scientific data,
authoritative testimony. Doesn’t
overuse quotes.
Audience awareness Little or no awareness of audience
or form’s requirements.
Stance is that of a novice attempting
to please an expert
Stance is somewhat tentative and
meets reader’s need with some skill
Stance is that of an expert who
consistently and skillfully anticipates
reader’s needs
Superficial and stereotypical
language. Oral rather than written
language patterns predominate
Sentences show very little variety,
simplistic. Diction is somewhat
immature; relies on clichés. Tone
may have some inconsistencies in
tense and person
Sentences show some variety and
complexity. Uneven control.
Diction is accurate, generally
appropriate, less advanced. Tone is
usually appropriate
Sentences are varied, complex and
employed for effect. Diction is
precise, appropriate, using
advanced vocabulary. Tone is
mature, consistent, suitable for
topic and audience
Writing conventions:
Mechanical and usage errors so
severe that writer’s ideas are hidden
Repeated weaknesses in mechanics
and usage. Pattern of flaws
Few mechanical and usage errors,
errors do not interfere with
Essentially error free. Evidence of
superior control of diction
Essay looks untidy and does not
follow basic formatting rules (e.g.
Margins, headers and subheaders)
Essay looks fairly neat but violates
some formatting rules
Essay looks fairly neat but violates
some formatting rules
Essay looks neat, crisp, and
professional, follows formatting
This rubric has been designed to assist students and instructors in clarifying the strengths and weaknesses in a piece of writing, and to establish standards. Please be aware that writing assignments
have requirements that are specific and that the grading of an assignment will take into account not only the strengths and weaknesses of the final written piece, but also whether or not other
specified requirements have been met, and to what extent they have been met.
An essay will not pass if it plagiarizes at any level, does not meet minimum page requirement, does not address the assignment, or does not meet Trine University academic writing standards.