Posted: July 20th, 2022
What is the purpose of International Law?
FINAL EXAMINATION (10 questions, about 500 words for each question)
Module 1 (12 marks)
1. What is the purpose of International Law?
2. Which source of International Law is the most direct way to approach the resolution of a conflict between two state parties?
Module 2 (12 marks)
3. Does signing on to the UN charter restrict state sovereignty in any way?
4. In your opinion, should financial crimes be included in universal jurisdiction?
Module 3 (12 marks)
5. Should individuals be subject to international law without States consenting to it?
6. There is a striking lack of collaboration in both economic and other international legal areas within the countries of South Asia. Why do you think the gap exists?
Module 4 (12 marks)
7. States often sign on to treaties with reservations; India ratified the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against Women (CEDAW) with 2 reservations. What are they? How do they alter India’s CEDAW obligations?
8. Human Rights organizations play an increasingly significant role in the world economy today. Can you briefly describe a situation and outcome where an Environmental organization brought suit against an International business entity in India citing human rights violation?
Module 5 (12 marks)
9. Research and write a brief note on a successful negotiation that averted an international conflict among South Asian nations.
10. Do we need any more international courts? If yes, which ones and why? If not, what are the negatives?