Posted: July 20th, 2022
Drug Class, Mechanism of Action, Adverse Effects
Name of the drug(s), Drug Class, Mechanism of Action, Adverse Effects (minimum of 2) & Nursing Implications (minimum of 3) which may include patient teaching. You must cover all of the medications discussed in the PowerPoint.
This is a graded assignment and must be completed LEAVE NO blank answers. The assignment must be in chart form only. Use the graph provided for earlier assignments. If the assignment is not neat, it will not be accepted. If you have the wrong assignment and it is not corrected before the due date, you will receive a zero. NO assignments will be received after the due date. If you have the incorrect assignment and do not correct it before the deadline, you will receive a zero. After the due date, NO assignments will be accepted.
If you do not follow the instructions, you will not receive any points.
You must name 3 drugs from each class:
Ace Inhibitor, Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers, Beta Blocker, Calcium Channel Blocker, Cardiac Glycoside,