Posted: November 28th, 2022
Week 5 Analytics Mindset Case-BioPhirma
Week 5 Analytics Mindset Case-BioPhirma Instructions
Internal control Test to perform and desired output What to name query/file with output if asked or print screen for template
Review the data for BioPhirma
Use the same data that was already loaded in from Week 3 Case-Week 3 Analytics Mindset Case Study BioPhirma
1. Only authorized PCard holders may use the cards Opening the transaction file, join the file with the Authorized PCard Users files (Analysis, Join) and determine if there are any exceptions based on Employee Name by looking for items with no secondary match Question51
2. PCard holders must only use authorized Vendors Go back to the transaction file, join the file with the Approved Vendor list and determine if there are any exceptions based on Vendor Name (Question52). Using the Question52 file Summarize by Vendor name (Question52a) and sort by the highest number of records Question52, Question52a
3. Verify cardholder’s limits Go back to the Transaction file and join with the Authorization PCard Users file. You are only going to want to view a few of the fields in these 2 files. On the transaction file, select just the fields for employee name and amount (be sure to clear out the other fields listed). On the Authorization file, just the employee name and single transaction limit fields (be sure to clear out the other fields listed). You are going to match the 2 files based on employee name and select all records in both files (Question53). Using the file Question53 you just created, extract out the amounts over the employee limit (Question53a). Question53, Question 53a
4. Run any other 2 test you feel are needed based on the case analysis so far You must justify the tests you run based on what you found so far in the data. This may include: duplicate items, missing items, gaps, summarization, searches, etc. Question54, Question55
Display a copy of the IDEA History File for this case History
Case Study
Analysis Requirements:
Based on your readings and peer reviewed literature use the template provided to complete this assignment
Review the instructions from the Analytics Mindset Case to create the various reports in IDEA.
Discuss your finding for each section of the report using the template provided.
Writing/Presentation Requirements:
The body of this paper should be 2-3 pages (not including cover page, abstract or references) but not more than 4 pages.
This research paper requires a minimum of two scholarly references: academic journals, professional journals, and/or appropriate authoritative references such as FASB Codification System, COSO, COBIT, Audit Standards, etc.
Be sure to provide specific examples throughout your paper to back up your statements
All research papers are submitted in APA format for sources and citations.
Title of the Paper Goes Here
Student Name
Week 5 P-Card Case Analysis
Leave in the headings below and type your ideas under each of the headings provided. Be sure to follow proper APA format for citations and sources. Also, remove any notes or instructions in this template.
The Abstract is an overview of the paper, written after completion. Other researchers use the Abstract to determine if your work will be useful to them. The Abstract should include the background, hypothesis or research question, methodology for data collection and analysis, the findings of your research, and conclusions (about 100-150 words).
Be sure to page break since the abstract goes on its own page
The Introduction should lead readers into the topic and its importance. Introductions typically include the overall topic of the paper, the specific focus of the paper within the larger topic, the main points in the paper, the kind of paper (study, argument, critique, discussion), and the purpose.
Writing Tip:
The length of the introduction should be in proportion to the length of the paper. Also ask yourself, “With my purpose and my audience, how do I engage my readers best?” In the introduction, you set the tone of the piece, establish your voice, and demonstrate your writing style; be authentic to your purpose and your audience.
(from the University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia):
Written for Keiser University GROWS by Amy C. Flagg
IDEA Report Question 1
Embed a copy of the report from IDEA for Question 51
Summarize your findings for Question 1 in the chart below, be sure to remove the sample data. You may add or delete as many rows as you need based on your findings
Category and test Transaction Date Description of search criteria Output Summary (print screen your output to insert into your paper) Next steps
Authorized care holders 7/2 to 7/6 ► Join files ► Found 5 employees that were unauthorized users
► ► Bring this to supervisor’s attention that unauthorized employees were using the cards
► ► ►
IDEA Report Question 2
Embed a copy of the report from IDEA for Question 52 and do the same for the other questions. Note some questions may ask for more than 1 report in IDEA, be sure to embed all reports required.
Results and Analysis Question 2
Category and test Transaction Date Description of search criteria Output Summary (print screen your output to insert into your paper) Next steps
► ► ►
► ► ►
IDEA Report Question 3
Embed a copy of the report from IDEA for Question 53 and Question 53a. Be sure to clearly label each part of the question clearly
Results and Analysis Question 3
Category and test Transaction Date Description of search criteria Output Summary (print screen your output to insert into your paper) Next steps
► ► ►
► ► ►
IDEA Report Question 4
Embed a copy of the report from IDEA for Question 54
Clearly justify why you ran this test. You selection of the test must relate back to something in the data you found suspicious or that you felt needed further investigation. You do not just want to randomly run a test.
Results and Analysis Question 4
Category and test Transaction Date Description of search criteria Output Summary (print screen your output to insert into your paper) Next steps
► ► ►
► ► ►
IDEA Reports Question 5
Embed a copy of the report from IDEA for Question 55
Clearly justify why you ran this test. You selection of the test must relate back to something in the data you found suspicious or that you felt needed further investigation. You do not just want to randomly run a test.
Results and Analysis Question 5
Category and test Transaction Date Description of search criteria Output Summary (print screen your output to insert into your paper) Next steps
► ► ►
► ► ►
History File
Copy of history file from IDEA
An overall summary of what is presented, do not introduce new material at this point but rather emphasize the key points of your paper. Be sure to include overall recommendations for improvement based on your data analysis
Remember to list all sources used in your paper in alphabetical order and they must match your in-text citations within the document. Please review APA format in your APA manual and/or the Writing Studio. Be sure to page break prior to your reference section since the references go on their own page.