Posted: November 28th, 2022
Final Education Draft
Please submit a draft of your final paper for our teaching team to review here.
Use week 6 reflection in this and I posted what you wrote in week 7 who is your audience.
You wrote this
The paper will talk about gender and sex identities because they cover and consume a bigger aspect of society. Through gender and sex identities, society creates different pressures and roles that affect the lives of males and females. I want to explore how gender roles and sex orientation contribute to personal and societal decisions on family, child-bearing, and marriage. What choices and options does society present to men and women to lead their lives? In addition, I would also look at how age and life stage contribute to the above gender roles and how different genders approach the issues at a personal and societal level.
You will full receive credit for whatever you submit.
We will only be able to give you as much feedback, however, as you submit in your draft.
What we strongly recommend is that you include at least an outline with the following elements of your final paper.
Part 1: Your Identities and Stories
What are the five stories that you will be including in your final paper and which of the five identities from class are you connecting with each story? You don’t need to write out the entire story, just a sentence with the story and how you are going to link it to one of our identities.
As you move from your draft to your final paper, please remember that you need at least one systemically dominant and one systemically targeted identity. You also need to make clear connections to the justice you are seeking for yourself or others for each of these named identities.
Please remember, you may include more than three identities from our course. Also, remember, you may include other identities (e.g. religion/spirituality, disability/health, etc.), and these are in addition to the three identities you are going to include.
Part 2: Outside References
As you’re working toward your final paper, please provide an annotated bibliography here of your 5 outside references that you will cite in your final paper.
Again, these are references we did not read or watch in class (music videos and optional readings from class count as inside references). This means include your APA reference (check APA Owl
(Links to an external site.)
for assistance) and then a sentence or two on how you’re connecting with the reference and how you plan on using that reference. You must include the author’s or authors family names, the individual initial, the year of publication, the title of the piece, and then who and where the piece is published. All cited pieces must have an attributable author or editorial group and a date of publication. You may cite conversations with people outside of class. Authors must have a family/last name and given/first name initial. For artists who use nicknames, please look up what their given names are. If you are citing someone from in our class, they count as an in-class reference. If you are citing someone from outside our class, they count as an out-of-class reference. Use the citation below for the APA reference list.
Last, F. (2020). Personal communication.
Additional Notes
Here, again, are the instructions for the final paper.
Write a 3000-word SEED autobiography. You must include:
● in depth discussion of at least three of your identities that we discuss in class (including at least 1 systemically dominant and 1 systemically targeted identity) including how you identify with this identity, how others identify you with this identity, and how you understand this identify to be linked to social and systemic power;
● at least five stories of specific moments from your life that illustrate your understanding of your identities;
● at least 15 references (cited in text and listed on a reference page) including introducing at least 10 references from class and 5 new references from outside of class that help connect your understanding of your own identity to these identities as broader social systems of power
● a through line that connects your stories together and is forward facing – what brings your stories together and where will you go from here?
You must submit two drafts for feedback (one to your instructors and one to a peer) and you will also have an in-person individual writing conference.
Final papers must be typed, use APA formatting, and be submitted on Canvas. Late papers will be marked down 1/3 of a grade for every 24 hours they are late.
Please submit a draft of your final paper for review by our teaching team here.
Use your reflection from Week 6 in this, and I posted what you wrote in Week 7 about who your audience is.
This was written by you.
Gender and sex identities will be discussed in the study because they cover and devour a larger section of society. Society provides various demands and roles for males and females based on their gender and sex identities. I’d like to investigate how gender roles and sexual orientation influence personal and cultural decisions about family, child-bearing, and marriage. What choices and possibilities does society provide to men and women in order for them to live their lives? In addition, I would investigate how age and life stage influence