Posted: November 28th, 2022
Generate a list of experiences you have encountered that meet the criteria of transitions and turning points.
Generate a list of experiences you have encountered that meet the criteria of transitions and turning points.
Generate a list of experiences you have encountered that meet the criteria of transitions and turning points. It may be that the life events you listed in Learning Task 3.1 (p. 54) and considered in Learning Task 3.2 (p. 61) will fi t the bill. Try, however, not to restrict yourself to these examples.
• Now think of clients you have worked with, and identify transitions and turning points they were facing at the time.
• Think about what marked these experiences out as transitions or turning point, and then, if possible, compare notes with a partner or small group of colleagues.
• Keep a record of these examples in your Learning Journal and keep them in mind as you read through the rest of this chapter. Consider the extent to which you can recognize the stages of transition in both your own and your clients’ experiences. The next Learning Task will ask you explicitly to plot your own transition through these different stages in relation to two different experiences.
Make a list of experiences that fulfill the criteria for transitions and turning points that you’ve had.
Make a list of experiences that fulfill the criteria for transitions and turning points that you’ve had.
Make a list of experiences that fulfill the criteria for transitions and turning points that you’ve had. It’s possible that the life events you listed in Learning Task 3.1 (p. 54) and thought about in Learning Task 3.2 (p. 61) will suffice. Try not to limit yourself to these instances, though.
• Now consider some of the clients you’ve dealt with in the past, and think about the transitions and turning points they were going through at the time.
• Consider what identified these events as transitions or turning points, and then, if feasible, compare and contrast them.