Posted: November 19th, 2022
Disabilities Research Project:
Disabilities Research Project:
Reports on Factors Influencing Learners with Disabilities; (a) Definition (and Classification), (b) Characteristics, (c) Causes, (d) Prevalence, (e) Identification and Assessment, (f) Planning and Providing Special Education Services, (g) Collaborating with Parents and Families in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Society, (h) Educational Approaches, and, (i) Educational Placement.
Following are the names of types of Learners with Disabilities under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) in the teaching field of General and Special Education;
1. Specific learning disability (SLD)
2. Emotional and Behavioral Disability (EBD)
3. Speech or language impairments (SLI)
4. Hearing impairments (HI)
5. Visual impairments (VI)
6. Deaf-Blindness (D-B)
7. Autism
8. Intellectual disability (ID)
9. Orthopedic impairment (OI)
10. Developmental delay (DD)
11. Other health impairment (OHI)
12. Multiple Disabilities (MD)
13. Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
14. Deafness
To be effective professionals, Licensed General Education Teachers, as well as Intervention Specialists, are required to know the following factors about these learners as well as address the specific criteria in the research; (a) Definition (and Classification), (b) Characteristics, (c) Causes, (d) Prevalence, (e) Identification and Assessment, (f) Planning and Providing Special Education Services, (g) Collaborating with Parents and Families in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Society,(h) Educational Approaches, and, (i) Educational Placement.
You must write a report on each type of Exceptional Learner and must report on each factor for each Exceptional Learner. The information must come from authoritative sources and is not a matter of your opinion. You must cite the source of your information! References from your textbook may be cited using page numbers within parenthesis. References from websites may be indicated by stating the website address in parenthesis next to the information being cited.