Posted: November 8th, 2022
What is commercial dance?
I. In your own words, what is concert dance? What is commercial dance? Which genres/styles of dance can be seen in each? /pr 2. Based on the ideas presented in the lesson, define: An and Entertainment. Your definitions should make a clear distinction between the two. Ipt 3. Based on what you have learned this semester, why do you think modem dance is most often seen in the concert dance realm? (Hint consider the intentions behind modern dance and the commonalities found in the concert dance presentation) Ipt 4. Other than ticket sales and fundraisers (including Gofund Me and related sites), where do not-for-profit dance companies get their funding from? Give 1 spasdic example of such a source (companies, foundations, grants…) with explanation(s) of what they offer dancers or dance companies. (An example would he the Princess Grace Foundation which you may NOT use now!) Additional rtsearch needed. Ipt S. Identify a dance company andresearch its community outreach program(s). What does the company offer through this program? Lc there a specific population the company engages with? Include a link to the company’s web page where the ouucach program information can be found. You may NOT use the company featured in this week’s lesson. I pt G. Do you believe it is possible for dance to he both artistic and entertaining simultaneously? Explain your opinion. Give an example of such a work by providing a Unk to a dance performance you believe is equally entertaining as it is artistic. In your opinion, what makes the chosen performance artistic (reflect back on the definition of art) and what makes the performance entertaining (reflect back on the definition of emenainment and what you personally find entertaining)? I pt
Extra Credit: Ipt Watch the advertisement for Microsoft’s Surface. Why do you think dance was featured in the commercial to advertise this prouduct? Explain your opinion. btqa.:A4633a.YaUlulaComisrealch?_r-dn,302Ktust
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