Posted: October 20th, 2022
16 y/o female comes to clinic
16 y/o female comes to clinic with newly diagnosed diabetes type 2. Her BMI is 37, and she is the goalie for her high school soccer team.
Diagnostic tests:
• Random blood sugar test
• Fasting blood sugar test
• Glycated Hemoglobin (A1C) test
• Oral Glucose Tolerance test
1. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
• Diet- Pt educated on proper diet for diabetes mellitus type 2.
• Exercise- Pt educated on proper length and type of exercise that should be completed for DM2.
• Metformin- Start with Metformin 500mg extended-release once a day. Will increase dose by 500mg weekly dependent on blood glucose levels. Maximum dose of 2000mg/day.
• Pt educated on side effects and adverse effects of start metformin.
• Pt educated on when to take blood sugars, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, sick days, and what warrants a medical emergency.
• Will have the patient follow up in 3 months for recheck of blood work to see if any adjustments with treatment should be made.
• Diabetes Educator
• Nutritionist
• Endocrinologist Reference: