Posted: October 20th, 2022
Jasper Beardley is an 85-year-old gentleman
Relate research from Canadian Nursing.
Jasper Beardley is an 85-year-old gentleman living in a long-term care (LTC) facility in London, Ontario. He has a wife and a son; who visit often and are very involved with his care. His wife is his substitute decision maker for personal care and finances. Mr. and Mrs. Beardley have been married for 55 years.
Mr. Beardley grew up in the Toronto area. He served in World War II for approximately 6 years. His family reports that he was a very active man, who always needed to keep busy and was an avid swimmer since 1948. He swam up until 2007. His wife also reports that Mr. Beardley is an ex-smoker who quit approximately 50 years ago, after a light smoking history.
You are the Primary Nurse of Mr Beardley and see the need to call an urgent IPT care conference related to his care. One of the team members is away at a conference and asks a colleague to carry her workload while away. This temporary team member does not understand the dynamics of the team. When you try to explain some of the background she dismisses you saying, “I am only here for a week this is not as important as my own work surely you can carry my workload with this patient.”
Mr. Beardley’s care team has met and given their feedback on what their professional goals are. In order to determine the interprofessional goal, the team decides the following assessments are required:
a. Feeding/swallowing
b. Mobility
c. Skin/Wound
d. Communication
1. Who do you think would be key members of Mr. Beardley’s care team?(question is asking for one healthcare professional who can contribute to all 4 assessments – feeding, mobility, skin/wound and communication – for example – a nurse could contribute to all four assessments depending on her/his knowledge, skill and expertise)
Select one of the professionals mentioned in the responses from question 2 last week (week 9).
No reference
In your opinion, what information can the professional contribute to feeding/swallowing/mobility/skin/wound/communication (is this possible)?
2. Which of the professions could contribute information to each assessment?
3. Which team member contributes which information to the above assessments? ( question is asking which healthcare professional can contribute to ONE of the assessments. For example, SLP can contribute to feeding/swallowing; PT can contribute to Mobility; Nurse can contribute to SKin/wound; and OT can contribute to Communication.
Select a different team member who would provide information to one of the above assessments (need to choose a different professional/role for each assessment)
One reference for each role
Will there be any role overlapping?
No reference – share opinion
4. Using the DESC Model discussed in the In-Service what would you say to the colleague who expects you to do their work? No reference
During morning care you notice that Mr. Beardley has a pressure ulcer on his left hip from lying in bed all day and not eating well. The nursing staff is finding he is resistive when they try to turn him in bed and want to get him up more for programs on the unit. The nurse is having a difficult time communicating with Mr. Beardley especially during transfers. Furthermore, he his taking out his hearing aids and tossing them on the floor.
1. What advice would the other team members give the nurse to better communicate with Mr. Beardley? NO references
2.What are some barriers to interprofessional collaboration? List 3 – explain how and why it is a barrier
3. What has enabled interprofessional collaboration so far? NO references
Recommended references
Decisions about procedures and authority(CNO2018).pdf Decisions about procedures and authority(CNO2018).pdf –
Arnold, E., & Boggs, K. (2020). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. (8th ed.). St Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier.
Chapter 24: Communicating for Continuity of Care
Improving outcomes in adults with diabetes through an interprofessional collaborative practice program-Journbcial of IPC-2017.pdf – Alternative Formats