Posted: October 20th, 2022
Information Behavior
Information Behavior
Assignment Overview
Case&Given(2016) provided an overview of study of information behaviors, which included discussions about how information and information behaviors might be defined, a review of the core concepts in the field, which are “information need, motivations that lead to information seeking, and information use.” (Case&Given, pg. 350) and an extensive review of the methods and theories of research as well as an extensive review of the research in the field of information behaviors. In the final chapter (11) the authors provide a “History of Criticisms” as well as “Conclusions and Trends”.
Assignment Details
Introductory Paragraph (Introduction)
Provide an overview of these criticisms and then address the following “Question for Discussion and Application” (Case&Given, 2016)…”How accurate are the various criticisms of IB research, for example, that it does not fully engage with theory, or that it tends to study small samples of volunteers using somewhat unreliable methods? Are they fair criticisms…?…can they be ignored…? (pg. 388)
Main Paragraphs (Analysis)
Using your selection of journal articles (6 journal articles) from the annotated bibliography about the trends in IB research (or 6 journal articles from one of the other areas listed for the annotated bibliography) in a particular area and the “Conclusions and Trends” section of chapter 11 (pg. 359), provide your reaction to the criticisms. Does the content of the journal articles substantiate or refute the criticisms.
Explain how the journal articles substantiate or refute the criticisms then provide and your own perspective of the future of information behavior research.
Concluding Paragraph (Conclusion)
Summarize what you have learned, observed and/or concluded.
Separate Reference Page (References)
Suggested length: 2- 4 pages PLUS a separate Reference page.
Essay Details:
Use an essay format with:
A distinct introductory paragraph –to describe what you are writing about, establishing the context of the analysis, which is the interview;
Main paragraphs – these paragraphs will comprise most of the essay and contain the main topic content, in this case, the “analysis” questions.
Concluding paragraph – this should be an account of what you have learned, observed and/or concluded from the interview.
References – this is a list of references (labeled References) on a separate page in correct APA format .
Remember to include APA formatted in-text citations for any resources listed in the References.
Information Behavior
People are considered as the most intelligent beings. They acquire knowledge through various methods such as observation, experiments, among many others. They make use of available resources in the process by applying different methods. Information is a basic need of human beings and so, people use it for decision making. The information-seeking behavior field in information science is concerned with determining the user’s information needs, searching behavior and subsequent use of information. Study of personality in psychology, innovation research, consumer behavior, and health communication studies are some of the disciplines used in the field.
Members of the public appear to apply many criteria for selecting health information, beyond accessibility and quality. The librarians and nurses are more critical of the results got from these sources. Men, in particular, have not been frequently examined in the health information behavior literature. Information behavior entails the aspects of seeking, searching and use. Many evaluations of searching skills or the features of a system are now known as information behavior or information seeking. There is a need to look for underlying principles since these terms have become too popular to be descriptive.
There have been twenty-two groups of theories and over thirty individual theories that are common in information behavior research. Since 2010, at least seventeen theory groups have been cited at least two information behavior researchers. The diversity of investigators has led to a wide mix of theories. They have come in with a mixture of backgrounds in social sciences, humanities, and sciences. “Theories form communities of discourse, around which individual investigations are discussed and compared” (Case, 2008). It is hard to meaningfully critique and expand on a study when two dozen different sets of philosophical assumptions and methods are employed.
In half of our research studies, the researchers use theory lightly resulting in problems such as researches conducted in two groups of theories that do not differ in any significant way, either epistemologically, ontologically or methodologically. It is allowed to think that theory would make a wide difference in the kinds of evidence given and in its respective analysis and interpretation. Even when citing different theories and assumptions, many reports of information behavior research look shockingly similar in these respects. If researchers are involved in the active debate over the utility of six theories, literature would be more coherent.
The theories in the declining category fall citations to structuration, reader-response theory, reference group theory, optimal foraging theory and the diffusion of innovations. Most obviously on the rise have been the works of various practice theorists; to a lesser extent Bandura’s social cognitive theory or self-efficacy, Lin and Coleman’s concept of social capital, and Zipf’s principle of least effort have been cited more frequently of late. The absolute number of citations of these is still quite small. The debate on characterizing the research as a study of practices rather than behavior might show a possible convergence rather than divergence.
Umbrella practice has been attracting more researchers. There may be witness division within the information behavior community. This affects half of the field, especially outside of the United States pursuing a coherent agenda. This agenda is centered on the work of a few theorists such as Wenger and Lave. These theorists are the most concerned with the practices. The rest of the information behavior researchers continue to find conclusions in a wide variety of concepts, theories, and theorists from the humanities and the social sciences.
IB research has grown in many respects despite the concerns in the past. The lack of theory that concerned critics in the 1960s and 1970s have been addressed. More research on information behavior is being conducted in a more vigorous way than before, and the research community is increasingly international. The majority of information seeking research was conducted in the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada fifty years ago. Now the research community has become global, with leading investigators found in other parts of Europe, along with Africa, Australia, and Asia.
The success of the biennial Information Seeking in Context (ISIC) conferences, the eleventh of which will take place in Croatia in September, 2016; these meetings have provided a fertile ground for the exchange of ideas and findings of information behavior. The International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (CoLIS), which will have its ninth meeting in 2016, and the I Conference series, which will meet for the eleventh time in 2016, have also helped showcase IB research.
The journal of Information Research has made relevant research freely available in electronic form. That has made IB scholarship easily and highly accessible to the world. Various other journals such as the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Library & Information Science Reviewing, Critiquing, concluding 359 Research, Library Quarterly, and the Journal of Documentation, have also published much IB research. At least one book has appeared each year offering a research framework for IB researchers since 2005.
Generally, the information-seeking behavior field in information science is concerned with determining the user’s information needs, searching behavior and subsequent use of information. In half of our research studies, the researchers use theory lightly resulting in problems such as researches conducted in two groups of theories that do not differ in any significant way, either epistemologically, ontologically or methodologically. More research on information behavior is being conducted in a more vigorous way than before, and the research community is increasingly international.
Case, D. O. (2008). Information seeking. The Portable MLIS: Insights from the Experts, 35.