Posted: October 16th, 2022
Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Walden University
NRNP 6665
Disorders of Dissociation
Dissociative Disorders Controversy
Because of scholars’ differing perspectives, dissociative disorders are embroiled in a variety of controversies. The first point of contention is the efficacy of dissociative diagnostic criteria (Brand et al., 2019). According to research, the DSM-5 on dissociative disorder may increase the risk of overdiagnosis (Sadock et al., 2015). According to some studies, structured clinical interviews are required (Brand et al., 2019). The second point of contention concerns the memory processes of DID patients. The focus of the debate is on overzealous therapists who can instill false memories or repressed memories of sexual abuse (Ganslev et al., 2020). The third point of contention is the role of iatrogenic factors in the disorder’s presentation (Sadock et al., 2015). Several studies present opposing views on the impact of iatrogenic influences on the disorder.
Professional Opinions on Dissociative Disorders Despite the numerous controversies, my professional beliefs about dissociative disorders are that the condition exists and affects people’s lives. The disorder is more common than people realize, affecting approximately 1.5 percent of Americans (Ganslev et al., 2020). Another widely held belief is that nearly half of all Americans will experience symptoms of dissociative disorder at some point in their lives (Sutar & Sahu, 2019). My professional opinion is that, due to the disorder’s widespread prevalence, federal and state hospitals in both the public and private sectors are not doing enough to combat it. Women are more prone to the condition than men. Talk therapy, counseling, and medication are the most effective treatments for the condition (Sutar & Sahu, 2019). Although no specific medication exists to treat DID, a practitioner may prescribe antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications to control or manage the healthcare symptoms.
Methods for Keeping a Therapeutic Relationship with a Client
In the treatment of clients suffering from dissociative disorders, a therapeutic relationship is essential. The first step is to make the client feel welcome by making the healthcare environment patient-friendly (Sutar & Sahu, 2019). Practitioners should never pass judgment on a patient based on their symptoms. Practitioners should avoid making recommendations that condemn a patient’s healthcare situation. Emotions should be managed by practitioners to avoid undermining the trust that patients and healthcare workers establish during treatment (Sadock et al., 2015). It is critical to invest time in developing relationships. Time is essential for the development of trust and disclosure. Practitioners should plan their questions to focus on the needs of their clients (Ducharme, 2017). A practitioner should refer a patient to another therapist if the patient’s case is difficult.
Considerations for Ethical and Legal Considerations
Patients’ behavior can be affected by dissociative disorders. Therapists must apply ethical and legal considerations in order to provide quality care to patients. The first responsibility is to warn (McDermott et al., 2018). Patients suffering from dissociative disorders may endanger themselves or others. Maleficence and beneficence are two other ethical considerations (McDermott et al., 2018). Therapists should use their professional expertise to ensure their patients’ safety and to prevent harm. Practitioners should establish trust by providing the most effective medication to alleviate symptoms. The patient’s autonomy and informed consent should be considered when developing a treatment plan (McDermott et al., 2018). If a patient is unable to make decisions, practitioners should involve a patient or a guardian. Treatment should be dynamic in order to incorporate various cultural beliefs. Care should be provided in a caring, just, and accommodating manner. Justice in the healthcare sector is critical to ensuring that all patients, regardless of ethnicity or gender, receive care (McDermott et al., 2018). Ethical and legal considerations improve patient satisfaction and quality of care.