Posted: September 28th, 2022
Post a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder
How can you evaluate your own leadership skills and behaviors? You can start by analyzing your performance in specific areas of leadership. In this Discussion, you will complete Gallup’s StrengthsFinder assessment. This assessment will identify your personal strengths, which have been shown to improve motivation, engagement, and academic self-conference. Through this assessment, you will discover your top five themes—which you can reflect upon and use to leverage your talents for optimal success and examine how the results relate to your leadership traits.
To Prepare:
Complete the StrengthsFinder assessment instrument, per the instructions found in this Module’s Learning Resources.
Please Note: This Assessment will take roughly 30 minutes to complete.
• Once you have completed your assessment, you will receive your “Top 5 Signature Themes of Talent” on your screen.
• Click the Download button below Signature Theme Report, and then print and save the report. We also encourage you to select the Apply tab to review action items.
NOTE: Please keep your report. You will need your results for future courses. Technical Issues with Gallup:
If you have technical issues after registering, please contact the Gallup Education Support group by phone at +1.866-346-4408. Support is available 24 hours/day from 6:00 p.m. Sunday U.S. Central Time through 5:00 p.m. Friday U.S. Central Time.
• Reflect on the results of your Assessment, and consider how the results relate to your leadership traits.
• Download your Signature Theme Report to submit for this Discussion.
By Day 3 of Week 5
Post a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, briefly describe two core values, two strengths, and two characteristics that you would like to strengthen based on the results of your StrengthsFinder assessment. Post a quick description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, quickly state two key values, two strengths, and two qualities that you would like to strengthen based on the findings of your StrengthsFinder exam. Be specific.
Apa format and at least 3 references
I already did the strength finder assignment and I attached my results
Then respond to two peers with at least 2 references
Peer 1
Brief description of CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder
According to the StrenghsFinder test, I am more social than business oriented. I, knowing myself, my nature is to be altruistic, and non-capitalistic/business-focused. I have the disposition to give if it will help someone in need. I will give away the proverbial farm if doing so will help someone in need. Therefore, this description of me is accurate.
Core Values
The two core values that I see in myself are positivity and empathy. I have been accused of both more than once in my life. Positivity is my general outlook on life – mine and others. I am always trying to help my fellow man, hence the reason I chose nursing as a career.
I empathize with other people’s hardships and will make myself available to help if I can. I can sense when someone is not okay, put myself in their position and try to choose the right words to bring some level of comfort to them (Rath, 2007). This instinct works well for a nurse.
Two strengths according to the CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder
My two strengths are Developer and Context. Developing and re-inventing myself over the years guided my path to becoming a nurse. This decision came to me in my thirties when I decided to return and finish my university studies which I started in my late teens. Today, I have given my children the same opportunity to become whatever they choose. Currently, my son will complete his MBA degree in the spring of 2023.
Context – keeping things in context, according to StrenghsFinder is thinking of the past to fix the present. It is exactly true for me. I enjoy researching and finding information and details to fit the story together. Even minute details, as a jigsaw puzzle, can explain or resolve matters. Paying attention to details is a skill that nurses use daily to manage their patients. Details tell the nurse whether the patient is stable or deteriorating. Having the trait of paying attention to details helps to refine processes and learn ways to improve or perform better. Regarding history, the Bible is a book I often read as it relates to the past. Also, I enjoy listening to older people reflect on experiences that I can benefit from.
Two characteristics in need of strengthening – Developer and Input
Developer – Developing my strengths is what I do when I believe I lack in an area. However, it is also something I need to continue to work on. On a personal level, I strive to better myself; to be more efficient; However, career-wise, I lack development in some ways. For example:
I never desired to be in management or a leadership position. Satisfaction comes from patient care. Because of this characteristic, I am an excellent nurse. It is not just knowledge, skills, and ability, but it is getting things done for my patient’s betterment and contributing to their wellbeing. A developer is someone who mentors others and encourages them to do their best. This is a leadership role. If I later desire to be in a leadership position, it would be a great addition to my traits, allowing me to be more well-rounded and, in turn, be a better provider to my patients and team members (Ferreira et al., 2022; Rath, 2007). My peers have encouraged me to move “up,” but it is not who I am at the moment. I value my time with friends, family, home life, and direct patient care. I do understand that being a nurse practitioner is a leadership role.
Input – according to StrenghsFinder my efforts are in “balancing personal growth, professional responsibilities, family obligations, friends, health and mental stimulation,” which is true, as mentioned earlier (Rath, 2007). Because I am emotionally invested in family/work, I strive to keep balance, placing my family life first and career second. It can be a source of confusion if priorities are not in this order (Blizzard & Woods, 2020). However, I know how to take charge and manage when the need arises, but there is room for improvement. A component of Input is teaching and educating patients (Rath, 2007). I have taken the role of preceptor to new nurses, and I really enjoy it. However, I lack experience in the area of leadership. Moving from personal to professional will benefit me, my peers, and my patients. However, if putting career goals as a priority makes my role as a nurse take second place, I prefer to be a great nurse and work on enhancing my experience as a nurse leader.
Peer 2
This assessment was very interesting to me. My results are pretty accurate to how I see myself. The assessment showed that I have
empathy, am a developer, have consistency, positivity, and harmony. The part of my assessment that I feel is spot on is empathy. I feel that I am
empathetic and wear my heart on my sleeve. I feel that I care a great deal about those around me. I also feel that I have consistency. In my work,
I am consistent and do the best job that I possibly can. I feel that consistency is important of any profession. Being a developer, being consistent,
having positivity, and having harmony I do not feel that those describe me as much but enjoyed reading the details of those three attributes.
Two core values that I would like to strengthen are harmony and positivity. I feel that I lack harmony in aspects of my life. I feel that I am
not a calm person when it comes to certain situations, and I get “fired up” easily. I would like to think that I will learn to relax more as I get older but
that has not happened yet. I also feel that I worry about others and what they think too much and would like to not think about those things as
much. I also feel that I would like to be more positive. I try to be positive and show people how much I care. With the craziness of the world not, I
feel that my positivity is lacking some days. My family for one gets the brunt of my frustrations and my bad days. This is in no way fair to them;
therefore, I would like to focus more on the positive. I do compliment my children often and focus on the good things that they do, but far too often
I tend to get caught up in the negative.
Two strengths that I possess are empathy and developer. I have a great deal of empathy for people and sometimes I care too much. I am
a sensitive person whose feelings get hurt easily; this is something I would like to work on. I feel this is something that people often take
advantage of. I also feel that being a developer is a strength for me. I see good in people and what they are capable of. I often see the good that
the bad goes unnoticed. That is a strength that can often be a weakness and used against me.
Two characteristics that I would like to strengthen are being consistent and positivity. I feel that I am consistent with certain things in my
life, but I would like to improve on that. I would like to make decisions and stick to them instead of second-guessing myself. Consistency makes
things easier to deal with and makes the workplace less stressful. I also would like to be more positive. I am a positive person in certain situations,
however, I let my frustration build up and take it out on the wrong people. I would like to focus on the positive things in life instead of all the
negative that is in our world.
To be a good leader in healthcare, one must be positive and consistent. Leaders must possess a balance and be competent in what they
are doing (Broome & Marshall, 2021). Good leaders must have emotional intelligence and be comfortable in their own skin (Walden University,
2014). With this assessment, our strengths are pointed out and we can focus on what we want to improve on or change to be good leaders.
Leaders can tell the difference between their job and tasks. Leaders communicate, observe, and interact in situations and see the bigger picture
(Moore Foundation, n.d.). Leaders are a foundation for the workplace.