Posted: March 25th, 2022
Outsourcing IT Tasks
Outsourcing IT Tasks
Computer Sciences and Information Technology
Outsourcing IT Tasks
Many organizations hire resources from outside companies for information technology processes, for instance, storage devices, which are hard to maintain when bought by the organization. The most outsource IT functions include infrastructure, software, technical support, and many more ( 2019). The primary aim of outsourcing is, access the unavailable skills as well as reduce the cost of purchase. The paper discusses IT outsourcing in a health organization as well as the pros and cons of outsourcing.
Health sectors are among the cost-driven initiatives to provide quality results. Health care organizations are currently relying on technology, especially in treatment, for instance, in medical and surgical services as well as data collection and analysis from various outsourcing markets. The health organization carries out many practices daily from making a record of patients to keeping the hospital database. The health practices require an active data collection and analysis by the use of information technology. For instance, outsourcing the retrospective data extraction service from electronic patient management program as well as the transformation of health records into research data.
The health organization has embraced the decision to outsource the management of information functions, especially on patient’s information. Patient’s information regarding privacy is essential and requires effective security measures such as a useful information management tool. The growth of information need in the organization has posed a higher risk in information security brought about by access to information, documentation, and delivery networks (Hanan,et,al.,2018,page,7240-7244). Information insecurity is a significant problem in almost every organization where most organizations, including the health organization, depend on or outsource information management services and tools from reliable sources. A private and safe network service is used from a trusted source to safeguard the hospital information, especially the digital data.
Outsourcing information security management tasks improves and enhances patient satisfaction through privacy maintenance (Sharma,Chen, and Sheth, 2018,page 42-51). The organization’s adoption of computerization of data makes it easy to access data when needed, especially frequent patients in a hospital or rather the admitted patients with a long history. Patient satisfaction is the primary goal of outsourcing information technology tasks. Outsourcing the job is cost-effective and minimizes the cost of development and application of the management tool.
Acquiring an information security system or management tool is quite expensive and risky, especially when it comes to reliability (Gurung, and Prater, 2017,page 49-82). Mitigation of risk is another benefit of outsourcing the task where the risk of cybersecurity attacks and loss of patient’s sensitive data is reduced. Outsourcing of the IT task is the fastest method, especially in urgent cases, where time for development and testing is minimal.
Outsourcing of information technology management task interferes with the communication flow between the organization and the vendor (Gurung, and Prater, 2017,page 49-82). The language barrier between the vendor and organizations change management can be a problem, especially when the supplier is quite far and from a different ethnic group . The language barrier brings about a misunderstanding between the two parties; therefore, the process ends up being slow or ineffective. Therefore before outsourcing, the organization should consider communication before anything else. The method may fail, or the outsourced service or system sometimes fails to operate primarily due to compatibility issues; therefore, acquiring another source becomes an option.
The outsourcing challenges especially language barrier and distance can be mitigated by using a reliable and easily accessible outsourcing company .Various companies in india and USA are reliable for information technology decisions and systems .Compatibility and failure issues are mitigated by first testing and viewing organization utilizing the service for instance in network services issues.Carrying out an evaluation from the country outsourced to identify hinderances and communication system especially in offshore outsourcing.
Outsourcing information technology tasks are the best method, especially in young organizations.Health organizations require information technology, especially in health records keeping and protection patients ‘ sensitive data ( 2019 ). . Information management and security tasks can be outsourced from reliable companies to reduce the cost of development, improve efficiency, and accelerate the business process. More so, outsourcing goes through the challenge of language barriers, distance, and disruption of communication flow from the vendor to the organization.
Referencing List (2019). 10 commandments for writing an IT contract. [online] Available at: [Accessed 26 Nov. 2019).
Gurung, A. and Prater, E., 2017. A research framework for the impact of cultural differences on IT outsourcing. In Global sourcing of services: strategies, issues and challenges (pp. 49-82).
Hanan, F.A., Azmi, N.F.M., Zainuddin, N.M., Maarop, N., Ali, R. and Yaacob, S., 2018. Towards Developing Security Requirements Modeling for Outsourcing Software Projects. Advanced Science Letters, 24(10), pp.7240-7244.
Sharma, S., Chen, K. and Sheth, A., 2018. Toward practical privacy-preserving analytics for IoT and cloud-based healthcare systems. IEEE Internet Computing, 22(2), pp.42-51.