Posted: September 25th, 2022
What effect did overseas expansion have on Europe
Exam Content
Unit One Exam Paper Answer the following question. Your paper is suggested to be 3-5 pages in length and contain at least one (1) outside source. Remember, your book and encyclopedias cio not count as sources. Be sure to review the style guide in “Writing Tools. and be aware that we use Turabian as our official guide for citation. Papers must use proper citation and you may use foot notes, end notes, or parenthetical references. Be sure to include a Works Cited page (20 points automatically off if it is not there.) Submit under Assignment area; do not write in the text box or send via ematl. ,ubmit as an attachment in WORD. 1,pers should be i!ouble-spaced, and use default margins. You should use left justification. Font should be 12 pt. You should use basic fonts—nothing fa, or weird.
NQUESTIO : What effect did overseas expansion have on Europe and the societies the Europeans came in contact with?