Posted: March 22nd, 2022
Transportation IoT
Transportation IoT
Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks VANET is an example of intelligent transportation systems that represent cloud computing in vehicles. Today, the world seems to move to cloud computing as it offers cost reductions in terms of storage and resources, as well as recovery. According to Qazi et al. (2018), the automotive industry has experienced significant advancements and recently integrated with the cloud. This could be described as a significant achievement for the technology world as drivers can attain more visibility on the road. It is possible for these vehicles to even connect to the cloud and receive outsources services that contribute to the comfort of the journey. Through the combination of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) with the cloud, some of the challenges faced by cloud computing in vehicles may be mitigated. This is because the ITS combines with the Internet of Things (IoT) to become IOITS. With the cloud, the possibility of the ITS accessing more services is possible, and drivers can benefit from insurance, real time traffic analysis, parking guidance, electronic commerce, media downloading and point of interest services (Qazi et al., 2018). Through the use of 3G/4G/5G the vehicles can connect to the cloud and access the system. In case of sparse scenarios in traffic, drivers may not need to rely on beacons but rather the cloud to communicate with other vehicles. Other issues, such as speed, topology, and bandwidth will be mitigated as well since drivers are live, and the internet covers a wide range as compared to beacons.
IoT Proposed Product
It would be considered as a significant achievement for the technology world id drivers could attain more visibility on the road. It is possible for these vehicles to even connect to the cloud and receive outsources services that contribute to the comfort of the journey. The importance of a secure and low-latency network would be held in high regard across the globe. According to Mahmood, Zhang, and Sheng (2019), people not only need to feel that they can trust the system they use but also rely on their quality. Autonomous vehicles take advantage of the numerous applications, which include blind intersection warnings, vulnerable pedestrian collision mitigation (vehicle-to-pedestrian V2P), forward collision warning (vehicle-infrastructure V2I), hazardous location warning and emergency vehicle warning which may be known as the vehicle-to-vehicle V2V (Mahmood, Zhang, & Sheng, 2019). Through these applications, the vehicle to everything (V2X) communication is created, not forgetting the vehicle-to-network V2N, which connects the car to the internet. V2X is designed to enable high-level automation and reduce road accidents. Through this design, communication creates an Internet of Things IoT infrastructure that is successful.
Statement of Need
Due to the increase in people with cars, there is a need to control traffic is managed. Some drivers may be unserious and end up causing unnecessary traffic delays. With the use of VANET, these delays are mitigated as well as accidents. These possibilities have made it possible for cars to communicate with each other and relay specific information to drivers. This sharing of information makes it easy for users to know how close they are to a collision, monitor traffic lights and use the shortest route to avoid traffic. It is a positive use of technology that makes society a much friendlier place.
Similar Product in Market
The use of IoT has become quite common as it is offered in various forms in the market. Smart factories are an example of IoT in use within the commercial industry. Manufacturers who use the technology enjoy systems that can help them monitor productions, manage the equipment from a distance, while at the same time the machines load the end product onto vehicles. The machines are connected and can self-optimize during the production process. Through the use of the cloud, factory owners do not need their physical presence readily at the site as they can see logistics on their devices as well. It may seem as a smart design but programming of machines has been in existence for decades. It is hard for one to say that the system is a radical innovation since the IoT aspect is quite minimal and plays within the background. The only advantages are employers get to reduce workers since they can control the machines as they like. Vehicular ad hoc systems, however, offer the possibility of growth whereby the near future may see vehicles rely on the network rather than drivers, which is a milestone achievement for engineers. The transportation market is a better off study on cases where IoT is playing a big role in commerce. With the many applications that are installed to make the system a success, autonomous cars can most likely use the IoT to become an AI of their own in the near future.
Qualities of IoT and its Benefits to the Business Market
Vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) is the most crucial component of cloud computing vehicles. The system uses the applications used in autonomous cars to provide reliable information over the communication channel. New York transport department is an example of a city that has implemented the use of intelligent transportation systems through the use of 13,000 transportation devices (Talas, 2018). These transportation devices tell where a specific vehicle is heading, its speed, location, and the road conditions ahead.
The Selected Market for the Product
The technology itself seems worthy of expansion as there are businesses that rely on transportation that would generate more profit if the system was improved. Ecommerce markets such as delivery businesses and online shopping are most likely to benefit from this technology. This is because the vehicles used for delivery will be more informed on which route to take hence reducing time and money. It will be possible to plan out delivery beforehand and meeting deadlines. The delivery industry is often plagued with complaints from clients due to issues such as delays. However, such challenges could be eradicated if the growth of transportation IoT is successful.
Pros of the Product
Due to the advancements achieved in the automotive industry people are able to enjoy the pros of the system. According to Rathee (2019), the development of advanced cars saw drivers integrate the use of IT to improve their communication and sensing skills, but today it has opened doors for autonomous vehicles. Autonomous vehicular use is said to yield better experience by allowing current information to be used by the vehicles instantly (Rathee, 2019). Furthermore, pedestrians are alerted of any immediate danger to be caused by an autonomous vehicle as much as drivers are relayed information concerning hazards along the road. This has ensured efficient traffic courses as both cars and people are in sync due to the proper movement plans.
Cons of the Product
However, the product also exhibits cons as the technology is still young. The issue of security and privacy, however, is an excellent risk while using the cloud. Malicious people may pose as drivers and send untrue information over the cloud which may lead vehicles to accidents or kidnapping. People may consider keeping their driving private to avoid being misled or monitored. Once a driver goes live on the cloud, it is possible that they could fall victim to information alerting, status spoofing, Denial of Service attacks, obstruction, or even snooping. According to Brostoff (2019), there is a need for trustworthy techniques to ensure that drivers are safe when they choose to integrate their automotive to the cloud. Decentralization is another issue with the ad hoc design is that vehicles are always joining and leaving the VANET. There is no fixed central system that can guarantee the safety of information. This gives rise to the need for trustworthy security to work in the decentralized nature of the network. Brostoff (2019) suggests that it would be better if there were a centralized organization liable for any incidents due to failure of the system.
The transportation industry can benefit from IoT. This is because it provides a chance for better decision making while driving or struck in traffic. As opposed to the human brain, both inter and intra communications between vehicles can help drivers preview the road ahead of them as they navigate to their destinations. The interactions between the cars, adjacent infrastructures, and smart systems around create a pool of information that can be manipulated for judgement. The market is more likely to grow over the next years to offer vehicle users a more comfortable and safe experience when moving from one point to the other. Currently, the IoT is an emerging technology that engineers are working towards ensuring that interconnectivity becomes a reality.
Brostoff, G. (2019). How AI and biometrics are driving next-generation authentication. Biometric Technology Today, 2019(6), 7-9.
Mahmood, A., Zhang, W. E., & Sheng, Q. Z. (2019). Software-defined heterogeneous vehicular networking: The architectural design and open challenges. Future Internet, 11(3) doi:
Qazi, E. A., Ahmad, N., Malik, A. H., Ali, G., & Rehman, W. U. (2018). Issues, challenges, and research opportunities in intelligent transport system for security and privacy. Applied Sciences, 8(10) doi:
Rathee, G., Sharma, A., Iqbal, R., Aloqaily, M., Jaglan, N., & Kumar, R. (2019). A blockchain framework for securing connected and autonomous vehicles.Sensors, 19(14) doi:
Talas, Mohamad,P.E., P.H.D., Rausch, R., P.E., & Van Duren, D. (2018). Connected vehicle challenges for the dense urban environment. Institute of Transportation Engineers.ITE Journal, 88(12), 30-35. Retrieved from