Posted: September 8th, 2022
Marketing Leadership Assignment 2- Research Project
Course- Master of Human Resource Management
Unit-Marketing Leadership
Assignment 2- Research Project
Unit Learning Outcomes:
1. Explain the marketing management process to achieve the strategic objectives of an organisation.
2. Propose solutions to authentic marketing problems using critical thinking skills and appropriate research techniques
Value: 45% of the final mark
Group or individual: Individual
Word limit: 1800 (maximum) (excluding title page, executive summary, table of contents page, reference list and appendices) Format: 12 size Arial or Times Roman Numeral font, 1.5 line spacing.
The report must be suitably referenced (using APA referencing style) and should include photographs, tables, diagrams, illustrations (as appropriate).
You are now working at a boutique retail marketing consultancy – as a market researcher. The assumed scenario is that the Dusk Group Limited ( (Links to an external site.)) has commissioned your firm to develop a marketing plan for a new concept store. As the first step to preparing that marketing plan, your manager has asked you to research situational factors currently at play and those impacting the foreseeable future. This will mostly involve secondary research [i.e., utilising existing information sources] and will also involve some degree of assumption where full information is not readily available. Dusk Group Limited is listed on the Australian stock exchange (ASX code: DSK), so investor reports and presentations made by the company may provide a rich source of data [among various other sources].
The aim of this assignment is to conduct a systematic, comprehensive and objective analysis of the situational factors affecting the industry and the company. This situational analysis report should not be more than 1800 words in length excluding the title page, executive summary, table of contents, tables, charts/graphs, the reference list and appendices.
Your assessment should show an application of relevant marketing concepts, theories, and analytic tools covered in the unit. The mark for this assessment will depend primarily on presenting appropriate and supporting evidence and on the ability to critically write and present the situation analysis report.
A suggested structure of the report and links to library databases and resources are provided on the following pages. Please go back and find the links for these under Assignment 2.
Other information
Please use the following referencing specifications: The ECU referencing format must be adhered to and it is necessary to fully reference ALL your research sources, both in-text and end-text. That is, if you look at a book or website and decide to use some of the information from it then you must cite it as a reference in-text where you use that information AND then cite the full source of the reference in the end-text reference list. You can download the ECU APA Referencing Guide (Links to an external site.) and watch these videos on in-text citations (Links to an external site.)and end-text referencing (Links to an external site.).
Use formal business English that is clear and easy for the reader to follow. Use new vocabulary introduced in the unit. Check your work for expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation before submitting. Refer to this tip sheet on how to edit and proofread your work (Links to an external site.).
Ensure that your referencing is in accordance with university guidelines [APA 7th edition]. Students should demonstrate the quality of their study through quality in-text and end-text referencing. Those seeking higher marks (Distinctions and High Distinctions) need to not only utilise the textbooks but also research beyond this into various academic journal articles and texts. The textbook and around 4 other academic references (texts or Journal articles) would start to raise the standard of depth required for higher grades (of course, the number is not the only criteria and the references need to be relevant and used appropriately)
FBL5020 Situation analysis report
FBL5020 Situation analysis report
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeExecutive
Summary and
20 to 15.99 Pts
The executive summary clearly communicates the critical elements of the situation report so that it reads as a stand-alone document. The length of the executive summary is no more than one page.
Company background
information is excellently presented with supporting information.
15.99 to 13.99 Pts Accomplished
The executive summary sufficiently communicates the critical elements of the situation report so that it reads as a stand-alone document. The length of the executive summary is no more than one page.
Company background
information is very well presented with supporting information. 13.99 to 11.99 Pts
The executive summary communicates the critical elements of the situation report but misses some important points. The length of the executive summary is no more than one page. Company background information has been presented with some supporting information. There is some room for improvement. 11.99 to 9.99 Pts
The executive summary includes most, but not all of the critical elements of the situation report. Some of the information provided in the summary is unnecessary or trivial to understanding the report. The summary is more than one page. Company background information has not been adequately presented and/or there is lack of supporting information. There is much room for improvement. 9.99 to 0 Pts
Below Standard
The executive summary is either too short (less than one page) or too long (more than one page). The executive summary contains mostly unnecessary or trivial information, therefore, it is inadequate as a stand-alone document. Company background has not been presented or provides irrelevant information.
FBL5020 Situation analysis report
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeSituation analysis
50 to 39.99 Pts
Situation analysis is excellently written and easy to follow. All the major sections provided information with evidence from a variety of sources. Relevant visuals were added.
39.99 to 34.99 Pts
Situation analysis is well written and easy to follow. Most of the major sections provided information with evidence from a variety of sources. Relevant visuals were added. 34.99 to 29.99 Pts
Situation analysis is good and reasonably easy to follow. Most of the major sections provided information with evidence from a variety of sources. Some relevant visuals were added. There is some room for improvement by including additional information. 29.99 to 24.99 Pts
Situation analysis is average an not easy to follow. Most of the major sections did not provide adequate information with evidence from a variety of sources. Relevant visuals were missing. There is much room fo improvement by including additional information. d
r 24.99 to 0 Pts
Below Standard
Situation analysis was below average and difficult to follow. Most the major sections lacked relevant information. Relevant visuals were missing. There is much room for improvement by including additional information or rewriting the sections.
This criterion is linked to a learning
10 to 7.99 Pts
SWOT matrix is well developed. All the SWOT points have been discusse in the previous sections.
d 7.99 to 6.99 Pts
SWOT matrix is good. Most of the SWOT points have been discussed in the previous sections. 6.99 to 5.99 Pts
SWOT matrix is of reasonable
quality. Most but not all of the SWOT points have been discussed in the previous sections. 5.99 to 4.99 Pts
SWOT matrix is of average quality. Not all of the SWOT points have been discussed in the previous sections. 4.99 to 0 Pts
Below Standard
SWOT matrix is of below average quality. Most of the SWOT points have not been discussed in the previous sections.
FBL5020 Situation analysis report
Criteria Ratings
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeConclusion
5 to 3.99 Pts
The conclusion is succinct and excellently summarises the main contents of the report.
3.99 to 3.49 Pts
The conclusion sufficiently summarises the main contents of the report. 3.49 to 2.99 Pts
The conclusion reasonably summarises the contents of the report. 2.99 to 2.49 Pts
The conclusion somewhat unclear and/or not concise in summarising the contents of the report.
This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeWriting
15 to 11.99 Pts
Use of headings, sub headings, cohesion of paragraphs were of high quality. Grammar, spelling and punctuation were of exceptional standard. All resources were appropriately cited using APA format both in-text and in reference list.
11.99 to 10.49 Pts
Use of headings, sub headings, cohesion of paragraphs were largely ok with few exceptions. Mostly correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. All resources were appropriately cited using APA format both intext and in reference list. 10.49 to 8.99 Pts
Use of headings, sub headings, cohesion of paragraphs were ok with few exceptions. Mostly correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. Most of the resources were appropriately cited using APA format both in-text and in reference list with some exceptions. 8.99 to 7.49 Pts
Use of headings, sub headings, c paragraphs were average. Quite grammar, spelling and punctuati Most of the resources were not a cited using APA format both in reference list.
Total points: 100
Suggested report format for Assignment 2
1. Title page with student name and student ID
2. Executive Summary (maximum length is one page)
— Should provide an overview of the key findings from the situation analysis report. 3. Table of Contents
4. Company Background
— Give a brief summary of the company and its business model.
5. Situational Analysis
— PESTEL analysis
# This should focus on the Australian context (i.e., not the company context) and preferably present PESTEL in a table
— Industry and Competitive analysis
#Outline the current industry conditions including the company’s key competitors (consider maximum of two close competitors).
— Company analysis
#Describe the company’s current competencies (i.e., what it is good at doing) and deficiencies (i.e., what it is not good at doing).
— Customer analysis
#Discuss the primary and secondary targets markets in terms of demographic, psychographic, behavioural segmentations.
6. SWOT analysis
— Provide a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats [SWOT] Matrix for the company. The strengths and weaknesses being derived by taking an internal perspective, while the opportunities and threats being derived by taking an external perspective. Do not introduce new items here (only list items that have been discussed in the previous sections).
7. Conclusion
— Provide a succinct summary statement of the key takeaway message from the situation analysis report.
8. References
— At least 5 (five) academic references are needed for this assessment. This can be a combination of textbooks and academic journal articles. Trade magazines, websites, blogs, videos, etc. do not count as academic references. — Both the in-text citations and the reference list should follow the APA style (7th edition). 9. Appendices (if any)
— Need to be clearly labelled; and
— Need to be referred to in the main body of the report.