Posted: May 5th, 2022
Nursing and health care
Nursing and health care
Nursing is a profession that specifically focuses on the provision of health care to individuals, families, and communities to improve health. Nurses are mostly based in hospitals, where they work with other health practitioners such as doctors and therapists. In some states in the United States of America, nurses with advanced education independently diagnose and prescribe medication, while in other areas nurses are instructed by a physician.
There are different types of nurses such as nurse practitioners, nurse assistants, nurse- midwives and nurse instructors. Some nurses have specialized in one area such as cardiovascular diseases. Although the most common working place for nurses is in hospitals. Others work in other areas such as military, residential homes, schools, government institutions, and research facilities.
Nurses are guided by ethics that dictate their moral standards. They should be honest, respectful to human dignity and cooperative with other health care professionals in the provision of care to patients. Also, nurses should offer maximum care to patients to optimize health. There are several nursing processes that nurses must follow when offering health care. These include; assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation.
Assessment is examining the patient to discover the illness they are suffering from. Diagnosis is considering symptoms and behavior to form a diagnosis. Planning is figuring out how to provide care to the patient. Implementation is providing care. Evaluation is assessing whether it worked. Nurses control and prevent diseases and aid in caring for the disabled, physically and mentally ill. They also conduct health-related research.
Health care
Health care is the provision of care to improve health. It is achieved through prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases and injuries. Health care also includes the care of the disabled and the mentally disturbed. There are different types of care; primary care, secondary care, tertiary care, quaternary care, home, and community care. Primary care is work done by the first medical professional patients get in contact with. These professionals include nurses, physicians, and clinicians. Primary care is common. It consists of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and arthritis.
Secondary care is severe, it is the care provided to people with more serious illnesses or injuries. It is also known as hospital care because the patient is hospitalized for a short period. Tertiary care is specialized care. Cancer management and plastic surgery are good examples of tertiary care. Quaternary care is specialized consultative care that is highly advanced and not widely available. For instance, experimental medicine. Home and community care is care provided at home or in society such as condom distribution and home-based care for the aged.
Health care is essential in ensuring the well-being of human beings. Different health professionals work in health care systems. A health care system is an organization that offers health care. According to WHO, a good health care system should have a good financial system, well-equipped health facilities, and well- trained staff. Health care mainly acquire finances from five sources. These include; donations from charities, out of the pocket, private and public insurance, and government revenue generated from the levy.