Posted: September 4th, 2022
The Implications of a Sleep Deprived Society
The Implications of a Sleep Deprived Society
A sleep-deprived society implies various health problems, including obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and early mortality. Lack of sufficient sleep weakens the immune system causing a person to be prone to diseases that may take longer to resolve (Rault et al., 2020). Sleep-deprived society results in lower productivity, costing the economy a loss of productive hours. Sleep deprivation increases the risk of depression and acting out among children. Mental health issues have an effect on the quality of work and academic performance. People who get insufficient sleep are at risk of accidents due to drowsy driving or failure to pay attention while operating machines at the workplace. For instance, 1 in 25 people in America has fallen asleep on the wheel within the last month (Rault et al., 2020).
The amount of sleep I get affects my personal life since it leads to poor attention and the ability to complete tasks sufficiently. I experience jet lag and sluggishness that undermines productivity. As an adult, it is effective to take at least 7 hours of sleep and get quality time to relax. For instance, one day, I experienced a headache that undermined my concentration after sleeping only three hours the previous night.
Insufficient sleep affects emotions, health, and performance. For instance, when I sleep fewer hours, I am prone to feeling depressed and acting out. I can get mad for no good reason, which affects my ability to socialize, interact, and work with others. It affects my health since I am at a higher risk of respiratory infection. Insufficient sleep affects my performance since it affects my ability to concentrate and pay for my daily tasks, such as assignments.
Rault, C., Sangaré, A., Diaz, V., Ragot, S., Frat, J. P., Raux, M., … & Drouot, X. (2020). Impact of sleep deprivation on respiratory motor output and endurance. A Physiological Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 201(8), 976-983.